Friends -

Money is not speech. Our political system has been corrupted by the influence of corporate money. That is why today our campaign released a plan to end the corporate corruption of our politics and our government.

Can you add your name to say you support Bernie’s Money Out of Politics plan? Making your voice heard about corporate influence of politics is the best way to fight back.

Our plan is designed to take on the corrupting influence of corporate money in every part of our political system. That includes:

Our Money Out of Politics plan is far-reaching, because it needs to be — our political system is incredibly corrupt, and it will take an unprecedented effort to root out the corruption.

That effort starts with all of us in this movement adding our names to call for money to get out of politics. That’s why I’m asking you right now to support our plan.

Please add your name to say that you want to get corporate money out of politics so that our government and political systems can work for people, not the billionaire class.

What we are proving together is that we can transform our country without a dime from corporations or the billionaire class. Thank you for all you do for our political revolution.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager