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Weekend Edition, May 22-23, 2021

FDA Protects Covid-19 Vaccine Makers Seeks Withdrawal Of Competing Dietary Supplement

Bill Sardi with Matthew Sardi

The Church of Covid

Becky Akers

Controlling All Money Is Necessary for the Ruling Class To Dominate the World

Gary D. Barnett

This Dentist Is Stopping Mandatory Masking, Is This The Right Notice To Post?

Allan Stevo

The Other Virus: Learned Helplessness

Peter Van Buren

The Jan. 6 Commission – Just Another Democratic Propaganda Tool

Issues & Insights

Message to Doctors By the Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons Shows Desperation To Silence Them

Richard Enos

Lurking in the Woodwork

James Howard Kunstler

‘No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs, No Unvaxxed’

Dustin Broadberry

Natural Law Tidbits

Bionic Mosquito

Did the GOP Just Dodge a Bullet?

Patrick J. Buchanan

Who Elected America To Rule the World?

Doug Bandow

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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