
Until the American people are able to remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House of Representatives and stop the Socialist rampage occurring in the House, there is only one last line of defense in Washington.
With the 50/50 split in the Senate, we are engaged in fights every day to stop the tidal wave of disastrous, big-government, statist policies from overwhelming our country.
Whether it is vast new federal taxes that will crush our already struggling small businesses or monstrous government control over all of us through AOC’s Green New Deal, we are fighting, tooth and nail, in the Senate to hold every inch of ground we can.
Every day we stop bad policies from moving forward, is another day of victory for freedom, opportunity, and a future without Socialist control of Washington, D.C.
But we can only hold out as long as we have your support! Every bit of help from grassroots Patriots like you, John, allows us to keep pressure on Senate Democrats who are worried about their elections and understand Nancy Pelosi is pushing them off the cliff.
There’s so much at stake right now. But the American people are waking up to higher gas prices, inflationary pressure on their wallets, an unsecured border, and they are looking for alternatives – conservative alternatives, that we must provide!
Your support TODAY can make the difference in our fight tomorrow. We are throwing everything we have at the Leftist politicians to stop them from ruining our families and our country. 
Please let us know TODAY, that we can count on you to dig in and keep us fighting on your behalf.
Thank you,

Senator John Cornyn, TX
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress