Craven Coward Chuck Schumer Cowers As Pogroms And Violence Against NYC Jews Escalate

Posted: 22 May 2021 07:45 AM PDT

By Geller Report Staff 

Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer won’t defend Israel and American Jews against the antisemitic Left. That is because he believes that he will be primaried by AOC or another Leftist should he do so. Chuck Schumer is a coward and a disgrace to the Jewish people.



As Pogromists Activate, Chuck Schumer Cowers

By Commentary Magazine

On 47th Street in Manhattan, the famous “Diamond District” where so many Jews work, someone set off an incendiary device this afternoon.

A car caravan driving down First Avenue in Manhattan featured people shouting “Fuck you, Jews” as it paraded through the streets of the city with the largest Jewish population outside Israel. Near Bryant Park, a pro-Palestinian demonstrator threw a bottle at a restaurant diner, who threw it back and was then spat upon. In Times Square, a gathering in support of Israel was set upon. That was just today. And all this came after similar scenes in Toronto and London.

Now let me speak to you of the weasel in human form who serves as the senior senator from New York and the majority leader of the U.S. Senate. His name is Charles Schumer, and over the decades he has loved nothing more than to declaim speeches to Jewish groups in which he notes that his last name translates as “guardian” in Hebrew. And as I have heard him say on several occasions, he considers himself a contemporary “shomer,” a guardian at the gates of Jerusalem, protecting Israel and the Jewish people as in ancient times.

Blah. Blah. Blah.

In the city Schumer represents, in the state he represents, Jews are being attacked for being Jews and demonstrators are supporting a terrorist group that is firing rockets at Jews. Where is this vaunted shomer, this supposed guardian of his people? Spiritually cowering under his desk, terrified of a primary challenge from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in his 2022 election. His only significant action since hostilities began was supporting a bipartisan ceasefire statement. At the beginning of the week. The statement did say Israel has the right to defend itself. How nice. And how about my kids walking on the streets of Manhattan, Chuck? Who’s defending them, if only rhetorically? Hey, Chuck: How about your kids?

I am focusing on Chuck Schumer because he is the second or third most important Democratic elected official in America, and his silence speaks volumes about his party’s heartbreaking and disgusting refusal to confront the increasingly unmasked and open anti-Semitism spewing from the mouths and tweets of AOC and her fellow Squad members and other terrorist apologists in the House—not to mention Bernie Sanders, who shames the memories of his forbears with his humanitarian concern for every other minority group on earth save the very people whose blood courses through his ice-cold veins.

There is murder in the air. Do not mistake it for anything else. And do not mistake cravenness, and cowardice, and rancid ambition for anything else, either.




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FeedBlitz Top Slot

Tulsi Gabbard accused Lori Lightfoot of 'anti-white racism' after Lightfoot said she will only interview with journalists of color

Posted: 22 May 2021 07:15 AM PDT

By Lauren Frias

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot speaks during a news conference in Hall A at the COVID-19 alternate site at McCormick Place in Chicago, Friday, April 10, 2020. AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

  • Chicago mayor Lightfoot said she would only be interviewed by reporters of color for the two-year anniversary of her inauguration.

  • "It's a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American," Lightfoot said.

  • People on Twitter slammed Gabbard for using the term "anti-white," which trended on the platform on Friday.

Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard accused Lori Lightfoot of "anti-white racism" after the Chicago mayor announced Wednesday that she would only be interviewed by minority reporters for the two-year anniversary of her inauguration, sparking backlash from press corps members and other politicians.

"I ran to break up the status quo that was failing so many," Lightfoot, who is Black, tweeted Wednesday. "That isn't just in City Hall. It's a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American."

She added: "This is exactly why I'm being intentional about prioritizing media requests from POC reporters on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration as mayor of this great city."

Gabbard weighed in on Lightfoot's decision on Friday, calling for Lightfoot's resignation in response to her comments earlier this week.

"Mayor Lightfoot's blatant anti-white racism is abhorrent," Gabbard tweeted Friday. "I call upon President Biden, Kamala Harris, and other leaders of our county—of all races—to join me in calling for Mayor Lightfoot's resignation. Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white."

Gabbard's tweet trended on Twitter on Friday, with some users on the social media platform slamming the former congresswoman for using the term "anti-white."

Lightfoot's move also drew criticism from members of the press corps.

WMAQ-TV reporter Mary Ann Ahern, who is white, first tweeted about Lightfoot's decision on Tuesday, later calling the move "outrageous" in an interview on WGN Radio.

"To choose a reporter based on the color of their skin is really pretty outrageous," Ahern said, citing a report by USA Today. "Does she think I'm racist? Is that what she's saying?"

Chicago Tribune reporter Gregory Pratt tweeted Wednesday saying he was granted an interview with the mayor but declined after her office refused to lift the condition.

"I am a Latino reporter @chicagotribune whose interview request was granted for today," Pratt tweeted. "However, I asked the mayor's office to lift its condition on others and when they said no, we respectfully canceled."

"Politicians don't get to choose who covers them," Pratt continued.

The Triibe, a Chicago-based digital news outlet aimed at "reshaping the narrative of Black Chicago," according to its website, pushed back against the criticism directed at Lightfoot for prioritizing interviews with reporters of color.

"With this outrage, y'all are implying that Black and Brown journalists aren't capable of asking the hard questions," the media platform tweeted Wednesday, along with a photo of one of their reporters interviewing the Chicago mayor.



THIS is Racism!

May 22, 2021

Where is the media and left-wing outrage over Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot saying she will no longer grant interviews to white reporters?

As the city of Chicago crumbles, Lightfoot, a Democrat, complained about the “overwhelming whiteness and maleness“ of the media.

Her new policy is the very definition of racism. What do you think?


Mayor Lightfoot only granting interviews to reporters of color ahead of 2nd anniversary
Craig Wall

CHICAGO (WLS) -- On the eve of her second anniversary as Chicago mayor, Mayor Lori Lightfoot seized the opportunity to raise the issue of diversity by only giving interviews to reporters of color.

Lightfoot has made equity and inclusion a major focus of her first two years in office. And in deciding to take aim at the media, she said she has been struck by the "overwhelming whiteness and maleness" of Chicago media outlets from the board room to the press room.

In a two-page letter to members of the media, she wrote: "It is impossible for this glaring lack of diversity not to be reflected in the daily coverage of government, politics and city life every single day."

"She makes a really great case about diversity and the lack of diversity, but she doesn't make the case about what's wrong with the way she's being covered," ABC7 Political Analyst Laura Washington said. "What she says implies that she's being covered unfairly, there's implicitly or explicitly bias, but she never makes the case for how that plays out in the media."

Northwestern University Journalism Professor Ava Greenwell has written a book about the diversity issues in newsrooms, which go back decades. She supports the mayor's desire to draw attention to the issue.

"When we're looking at the Black Lives Matter movement and inequity and all these other places, the news media has no choice but also to look at itself in this situation and see if it doing the best job it can to actually fostering equity across the board," Greenwell said.

But former ABC7 Political Reporter Charles Thomas, who covered City Hall for nearly 10 years, sees the mayor's move as an attempt to distract from other more important issues.

"Is the crisis diversity, or is the crisis crime?" Thomas said. "I would suggest to you that a bigger crisis is crime. A bigger crisis is city finances. A big crisis is public education in a city where the schools and public schools have been closed for a year and a semester."
The mayor also issued a challenge to newsrooms to hire more reporters of color to cover City Hall.

The President of the Chicago Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists sees the letter as no big deal, because diversity in newsrooms is something they've been fighting for years.

"Yes, it's a great public relations move at her two year mark," NABJ Chicago President Maudlyne Ihejirika said. "But, it will not, it will not mean Mayor Lightfoot does not have to answer for her deficiencies, her weaknesses as well as her accomplishments over these past two years."

In a statement, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists said while it is important to address newsroom inequalities, "NAHJ does not condone restricting press access based on a journalist's race/ethnicity. Any action that threatens the cornerstone of our democracy and First Amendment rights is unacceptable."

There are also some who see this as an attempt by the mayor to curry favor with the Black and Brown communities, where her support may be soft.

ABC 7's Evelyn Holmes interviewed Mayor Lori Lightfoot Wednesday on a wide range of serious issues facing our city. ABC 7 is committed to holding all of our elected officials accountable, no matter who is invited to ask the questions. Her interview will air in our newscasts on Thursday.


Democrats Bewildered at the Unpopularity of Kamala Harris

Posted: 22 May 2021 06:41 AM PDT


AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Democrats have been flogging the image of Kamala Harris for more than six months, trying to show Americans why she should be popular, and the public isn’t buying it.

The efforts and the expectations of success by Democrats say a lot about the party and their myopic view of the voters, which has cost them dearly during the last three national elections. A party that tells most voters they’re “racist” and says those same ordinary people must be cleansed of their “systemic racism” and delusions of “white supremacy” shouldn’t have to wonder why people don’t like them very much.

But the Democrats keep doubling down — as they did with Harris. The vice president is among the most unpopular vice presidents in modern history and, true to form, Democrats can’t figure out why on earth that might be true.

A recent YouGov poll revealed that Harris’s net approval rating is ten points underwater among all voters and 25 points underwater among independents, 44 percent of whom say they have a “very unfavorable” opinion of the vice president.

Charles W. Cooke in NRO:

Still, that Harris is unpopular should come as no great surprise, given that she somehow manages to combine into a single package a transparent insincerity, an unvarnished authoritarianism, and a tendency toward precisely the sort of self-satisfied progressivism that helped the Republicans to limit their losses at the last general election. If her apologists wish to, they can pretend that the reaction Harris yields is “gendered” or “systemic” or “inequitable” or whatever other bastardized academic term is fashionable this week, and they should feel free to knock themselves out doing so. Deep down, though, they must know that America isn’t the problem here. The problem is that Harris is a phony. It remains the case that, throughout her entire public career, almost nobody has looked at Kamala Harris and thought, “Yes, she’s the person we need to lead us.” Sure, she’s won a couple of elections. But even in deep blue California, she has struggled.

Harris won her state attorney general race by 74,000 votes out of 9.6 million cast. Her two terms as California AG were marked by a “tough on crime” reputation she cultivated to win a narrow election to the Senate.

For some politicians, it’s all about rising and Harris tried to use the slightly more visible platform as a senator to run for president in 2020. She was a complete failure, getting only about 3 percent support nationwide and only 7 percent in her home state of California. This, despite her abandonment of a common-sense approach to justice in service of a far more radical agenda in order to appeal to the far left of the Democratic Party.

The radical left loves Harris because she checks so many boxes: female, black-Asian (a twofer), and progressive. The mystery is why she’s so deeply unpopular.

The vice presidency may, indeed, be “not worth a bucket of warm piss,” but it seems indisputable that the Democratic Party has a real interest in Harris being more popular than she is. Joe Biden is 78 years old — older than any president has ever been at any point in American history. There is no guarantee that Biden will finish his first term, and there is even less of a guarantee that he will run again in 2024. In either case, when Biden leaves the White House, Kamala Harris will be his presumptive heir, and, in both cases, the Democratic Party — which explicitly put Harris there because she is a female minority — will struggle mightily to extricate itself from the dead weight she brings along. “Look at this historic vice president who, of course, shouldn’t be the actual president” is not exactly a winning message, is it?

If you live by identity politics, you will die by identity politics. In urban and suburban America, identity politics will get you elected, or at least, not prevent you from winning. But in the rest of the nation, it’s a different story. Most Americans in Middle America hate identity politics and what it’s doing to the United States. And they don’t trust politicians who promote identity above all.

Until Democrats learn that lesson, they will continue to be “surprised” by election results.


Rick Moran has been writing for PJ Media for 13 years. His work has appeared in dozens of media outlets including the Washington Times and ABC News. He was an editor at American Thinker for 14 years. His own blog is Right Wing Nut House


Breaking: Georgia Judge Calls for Forensic Audit of Fulton County Ballots After Large Discrepancies Found in Ballot Batches

Posted: 21 May 2021 02:09 PM PDT

By Jim Hoft | Gateway Pundit

Chief Judge Brian Amero

Henry County, Georgia Chief Judge Brian J. Amero ordered Fulton County ballots unsealed in a hearing on Friday.

The judge ordered the parties to appear at the ballot storage location at 10 AM on May 28th. The November 2020 ballots will be scanned at 600 dpi or higher.

CD Media is reporting on today’s hearing:

In an ongoing hearing, Henry County, GA judge, the Honorable Brian J. Amero, may give access to the plaintiffs (, Garland Favorito, and another plaintiff) to the physical mail-in ballots in Fulton County, which could show massive election fraud in GA during the 2020 presidential election cycle, and the follow-on runoff that decided control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrat Party, leading to full control of the American government.

In the hearing, lawyers for described large discrepancies (21%) between the number of ballot batches reported by the GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who certified the election, and the number of ballot batches actually provided by court-ordered access in the previous April hearing in the case.

GA Secretary of State Raffensperger Amicus Brief Denying Election Fraud Doesn’t Hold Water, Is Riddled With Deceit has been examining the ballot images at a low resolution since the hearing in April, and declared they need the actual physical ballots to understand the number of counterfeit ballots certified.



Uncle Sam 


BREAKING: Judge Brian Amero has granted a motion to unseal and inspect Fulton County Absentee Ballots from the 2020 election. This is a big step toward restoring transparency and confidence in our elections. 

Here is the full statement:





By CD Media Staff

Screenshot Youtube

Judge orders ballots unsealed. Parties to appear at ballot storage location 10am May 28th. Ballots will be scanned at 600 dpi or higher. Protocol to be determined.

In an ongoing hearing, Henry County, GA judge, the Honorable Brian J. Amero, may give access to the plaintiffs (, Garland Favorito, and another plaintiff) to the physical mail-in ballots in Fulton County, which could show massive election fraud in GA during the 2020 presidential election cycle, and the follow-on runoff that decided control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrat Party, leading to full control of the American government.

In the hearing, lawyers for described large discrepancies (21%) between the number of ballot batches reported by the GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who certified the election, and the number of ballot batches actually provided by court-ordered access in the previous April hearing in the case. has been examining the ballot images at a low resolution since the hearing in April, and declared they need the actual physical ballots to understand the number of counterfeit ballots certified.

Fulton County attorneys pushed for a sampling of the ballots instead of access to all of the ballots. They particularly objected to access to physical ballots.

Fulton County attorneys also objected to expert witnesses testifying the number of ballot batches certified by Secretary of State Raffensperger in the previous ‘risk limiting audit’ were significantly different from the actual number of ballot image batches that were provided by state and county officials in court-ordered discovery in April.

Shockingly, attorneys for Fulton County declared ‘the county has no control over its election tablulation process.’

“A high number of ballots appear to have been counted twice,” declared the expert witness. There was an error rate in the batch data of 21%”

The ‘risk limiting audits’ conducted previously in the state of GA by Raffensperger were shown in today’s hearing to be severely compromised.

The GA Attorney General’s office testified citizens have no right to audit the vote.

The results of ballot analysis in this case could show the U.S. Senate, and the presidency of the United States, were fraudulently certified.