May 21, 2021

Dear New Jerseyan,

I wanted to talk to you for a brief moment about the COVID-19 vaccine. Every American over age 12 is now eligible to receive a vaccine against this deadly virus, and it has never been easier to get one of these safe, effective, and free vaccines. We have the ability to bring this horrible disease under control, so even if you don’t read the rest of this email and you haven’t gotten vaccinated yet, please go to, text your zip code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 right now to find out the easiest way to get your shot! 

Thanks to rigorous scientific studies, we know these vaccines are safe and extremely effective, not only at lowering your risk of getting the virus, but also at preventing severe cases that require hospitalization. As I got my own shot, I thought about how grateful I was for the diverse group of scientists, researchers, health care professionals, delivery people, agriculture and food service workers, warehouse workers, and all of those who've worked tirelessly on developing and distributing these safe and effective vaccines. Because of their hard work, more families will not have to know the loss that hundreds of thousands of Americans felt this past year. 

Now is our chance to protect ourselves and help our communities by getting vaccinated. 

If you or someone you love hasn’t been vaccinated yet, I want to personally encourage you to make your first appointment or help your loved one make theirs to get vaccinated. Everyone who gets a vaccine is doing their part to get us out of this crisis.

If you’ve already received the vaccine, please encourage those around you to do so. Those who are hesitant, or just haven’t gotten around to it yet, will be more likely to get the vaccine if people they know and trust talk to them about it.

We are on the precipice of moving past this pandemic, and building a better future for all Americans. Get your shot today.



Cory A. Booker
United States Senator


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