Texas Senate Passes Freedom to Worship Act Protecting Churches

Today, the Texas Senate passed HB 1239, the Freedom to Worship Act by Senator Angela Paxton and Representative Scott Sanford. The bill has already passed the Texas House. It is now up to the House to concur on several changes made by the Senate and the bill will be on its way to Governor Abbott’s desk, who has already indicated his support for religious freedom legislation.

In 2020, Texans saw an attack on religious freedom like they had never seen before. Local government officials abused their power by telling churches that they had to remain closed for months at a time during the COVID-19 pandemic while other businesses and gathering places were allowed to stay open. However, churches provide essential spiritual and mental health support in a time of crisis. Closing churches not only eliminates these critical services, but it violates the religious freedom rights guaranteed by our laws and Constitution. We are grateful the Legislature recognizes the importance of religious freedom and thank for our supporters whose activism makes this victory possible.



Governor Abbott Signs Pro-Life Texas Heartbeat Act Into Law

This week Governor Greg Abbott signed SB 8, the Texas Heartbeat Act, into law for the State of Texas. The bill “ensures that the life of every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion”, said Governor Abbott. The law will go into effect on September 1, 2021.

The passage of the Heartbeat bill, which is being called the strongest pro-life bill in Texas since Roe v. Wade, is a huge victory for all future preborn children in Texas. SB 8 requires physicians to check for a baby’s heartbeat, inform the mother if the presence of a heartbeat is detected, and take all necessary steps to protect the life of the child. We are grateful the Legislature recognizes the importance of protecting life and are thankful for our supporters whose activism helped make this pro-life victory possible.



Update On Legislation To Protect Texas Children

If you remember from last week’s email, the Texas House failed to act on HB 1399 by Rep. Krause before a key deadline, effectively killing the bill and failing to protect children from harmful gender transition procedures and treatments. The issue, however, was temporarily kept alive by SB 1311 by Senator Bob Hall, a very similar bill. The Senate passed SB 1311 early this week and it was received by the House. However, the bill has not moved since then and is currently waiting to be referred to a committee.  Saturday, May 22nd is the deadline for a senate bill to be heard and voted out of a House committee. Take action here.

Last Week on Texas Values Report

Last week on the Texas Values Report, our own Policy Advisor Mary Elizabeth Castle interviewed Texas Representative Briscoe Cain. Representative Cain gives an exclusive on two of the session’s most significant bills, the Texas Heartbeat Bill and Election Integrity. As the former author of the Heartbeat Bill for the 86th Legislature and the current Chairman for the House Elections Committee, Representative Cain gives expert insight into these important issues that you don’t want to miss. Listen here.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



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