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With Biden’s first 100 days in the dust and the 2022 midterms looming ahead, we’re going to start hearing more and more about the strength of the Democratic agenda in key battleground states and what that will mean for Democrats’ electoral prospects. How popular is Biden’s agenda with the voters who will decide the makeup of Congress in 2022?
In a new series of reports, Data for Progress conducted surveys of how voters in the following states feel about Biden’s American Rescue Plan, American Jobs Plan, and American Families Plan: AZ, CO, GA, MI, MT, NH, NC, PA, WV, and WI. The verdict? Voters overwhelmingly support Biden's Build Back Better plans.
We found that a majority of likely voters in all ten key states support the American Rescue Plan, and largely credit President Biden and congressional Democrats for passing its popular provisions. We also found majority support in all ten states for the American Jobs and Families Plans and their provisions, which were backed by overwhelming numbers of Democrats, firm majorities of Independents, and about a third of Republicans.

Take a look at the 11(!!) short memos (and thank you to our designer, Billie)! When the pundits start deliberating on how strong Biden’s message is in the districts Democrats need to win, this is your inside scoop to prove the “Build Back Better” agenda is highly popular across the country.
And the American Jobs and Families Plans aren’t just popular as standalone bills. In new polling released on Wednesday, we find that a majority of voters want to pass both plans together — all while using budget reconciliation to avoid the filibuster. A 24-point margin of voters want to pass both plans with a simple majority vote.
