Hi John,
We know that it’s wrong for a boss to fire someone because of who they are – to say "you can’t work here because you’re transgender." Yet that's what Aimee Stephens's boss told her, in one of three LGBT cases being argued today before the Supreme Court.
The Justices on the Supreme Court know that what happened to Aimee is wrong and illegal, too. Several years ago, TLC won the first cases establishing that trans people are already protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Yet despite established law, the White House is lobbying the Supreme Court to push trans and queer people out of public life. If the Court rules against years of legal precedent and greenlights discrimination against LGBT people, it will be a clear sign that they’re under Trump’s thumb. Any independent court would see this for the illegal and cruel ploy it is.
We’re taking action by telling the Supreme Court that we’re watching. Add to public pressure by saving this graphic and sharing it on your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

As I shared this morning outside the Supreme Court, these cases are part of a bigger picture. Today, it’s the Supreme Court and our freedom to work, but we’ve seen this before. The Muslim ban that kicked off the Trump presidency. The administration’s targeting of Black migrants. The deaths of Roxsana Hernandez and Johana Medina Leon at the hands of ICE and CBP. The murders of Muhlaysia Booker and Bee Love Slater and so many Black trans women whose deaths were fueled by our government’s cruelty and indifference. The heightened exclusion, criminalization, exploitation and oppression currently experienced by LGBT disabled communities.
Again and again, this administration has targeted our communities for violence and discrimination – and again and again, we have rallied together to demonstrate the power of living freely, authentically, and in full support of each other.
This is a moment for us – and particularly for trans people of color – to show the strength of our movement. No matter what the Court says, we are here for each other, and we always will be.
Will you show up for trans communities by voicing your support? Click this link to save and share a graphic that tells the Supreme Court: we are watching.

Kris Hayashi
Executive Director
Transgender Law Center