Here's a NumbersUSA member to inspire us all Dear John, Now that we are in the Biden era, sometimes I feel like I'm working with you, my friends, to hold a mountain from sliding downhill. I need encouragement just like you do. Then Frank from Fort Wayne, Indiana came to my attention and my heart felt lighter and I felt more able to keep struggling. Frank is an activist at NumbersUSA, just like you, and very dedicated to our cause. Practically every day for 15 years, Frank has faithfully read the information we send, including links to additional information we share, and most importantly, he takes Actions on his Action board at our website. Frank's been working his heart out to bring immigration under control. I was struck by what Frank gave each time he read one of these letters: five dollars. He proudly gives five dollars every other week. Doesn't sound like much? Well, that's $10 a month... each and every month. So Frank and his five dollar gifts add up to $120 a year. Well Frank has kept at it month after month, year after year and now he's given about $555 total to help America bring some sanity to its immigration system. Imagine what we can do if thousands of our members gave even small donations regularly! ? Monthly giving Is a wonderful way to invest in the future of your children and grandchildren. Please give a generous one-time gift or set up monthly giving by clicking on the red button.
As you probably know, NumbersUSA has worked with our millions of activists for 25 years now. That's right! It's been 25 years! In that time we have blocked terrible bills from passing in Congress and pushed needed reforms. No major amnesty has passed in this century thanks to this organization. You remember the idea behind NumbersUSA, right? We exist to help millions of Americans communicate their feelings about immigration to their members of Congress. We provide the facts and the free tools to effectively reach out to your elected officials to demand effective action, and let them know you can't be misdirected. John, all of us want to slow down immigration, but how can we? There are exactly two ways you can do that: First, you can keep taking all the actions on your NumbersUSA Action board. That's the ultimate purpose of NumbersUSA: to increase citizen action to stop illegal immigration and lower legal immigration numbers. Second, you can multiply your own activism by giving what you can to help NumbersUSA expand our network of activists. Remember, NumbersUSA Action can accept ZERO dollars from foundations; we're entirely dependent on donors like you. Frank faithfully gives what he can, and as you've seen, that adds up over time. What amount can you help us with? $5? $10? $25? $50 $100? Monthly recurring gifts are an easy and convenient way to give regularly as Frank does, without the hassle of having to visit the website to donate each time, or to write a check. (Of course, one-time gifts are also GLADLY received!!) John, we can win. Together. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].