News from Representative Clarke

May 21, 2021

To the Good People of New York’s 9th Congressional District,

I hope this edition of the Yvette Gazette finds you well. Always remember, I can not do it alone. Through the support of passionate individuals such as yourself, we bring tangible, meaningful change to our district. 

To reach out to my office, send us an email at If you’d like to call, you can reach my D.C. office at 202-225-6231 or my Brooklyn office at 718-287-1142. 

Remember to encourage your neighbors to sign up for this newsletter at

If you’d like daily updates on my work in Congress, visit my website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. I wish you well, and I look forward to my next opportunity to get in touch with you.


Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress




President Biden Signs Legislation to Combat Anti-AAPI Hate:

Yesterday, President Biden signed the bipartisan COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act to help our country overcome the crisis of anti-Asian American and Pacific Islanders hate crimes and bigotry. With more than 6,600 reported incidents of anti-AAPI discrimination and violence taking place in every state of our union, Congress was compelled to protect the AAPI communities of this country. This legislation is designed to speed up and strengthen our response to hate crimes by giving all reported hate crime cases added priority within the Department of Justice and supporting state and local governments as they establish online hate crime reporting processes, collect data, and expand education campaigns.

SBA Launches “Getting Back on Track: Help Is Here” Webinar Series 

The U.S. Small Business Administration partnered with the non-profit organization Public Private Strategies Institute to launch their new webinar series “Getting Back on Track: Help Is Here” to aid small business honors and entrepreneurs in their post-pandemic recovery. This series will direct its viewers towards the pivotal resources they need to build their business back and return to normalcy. To join the series, register here.

The House Haiti Caucus

This week, I joined Rep. Andy Levin, Rep. Val Demings, and Rep Ayana Pressley to form the House Haiti Caucus. Our coalition brings lawmakers of different backgrounds from different parts of America together to work on behalf of the wellbeing of Haiti and the Haitian people. You can read my full press release on the formation of the caucus here

DCAS Employment Opportunities

The New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services has opened many new, potentially life-altering employment opportunities for the people of New York. These opportunities include:

  • The City Cleanup Corp, a New Deal-inspired economic recovery program that will hire 10,000 workers in agencies across the city, all while making New York City cleaner and greener. Click here for more information and to apply.
  • A 13-week summer internship program for undergraduate and graduate students across various participating agencies and the city government provides students valuable experience in public service.
  • A DCAS career information session in recognition of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month today, May 21st, at 3:00 p.m., please register here




Sponsored Legislation: This week, I introduced the following bills to the House of Representatives that I believe will better equip our country against the modern threats of cyberattacks and climate change;

  • The Civil Rights Modernization Act Of 2021:                                                  
    Discrimination on the basis of race and sex takes place in almost every space, many of which are not easily visible. In America, there is a storied history of discriminatory targeting of advertisements that have harmed society by allowing consumers to be excluded from seeing certain ads. These harms are not theoretical and occur in real-time – with particularly troubling implications for communities of color. Personal data such as gender, race, hobbies, and interests, and zip code are used to limit the online visibility of many opportunities, thus perpetuating inequities in housing opportunities, credit, and employment. As of today, Section 230 of the Communications Act allows advertisers unrestricted permission to discriminate against these underserved communities. This bill will amend Section 230 of the Communications Act to ensure that civil rights laws apply in these spaces, delivering equal opportunity to untold underserved Americans.
  • The Smart Cities and Communities Act:
    Despite advancements in technology that hold the incredible potential to drastically improve the quality of life for untold individuals, the United States is dangerously behind the rest of the world in implementing these technologies on a city-wide basis. Smart technologies enable cities to improve community livability, services, communication, safety, mobility, and resilience to natural disasters; to reduce costs, traffic congestion, air pollution, energy use, and carbon emissions; and to promote economic growth and opportunities for communities of all sizes. Smart cities are essential to achieving a more equitable future nationally and a more competitive future abroad. This legislation will bring generational infrastructure improvement to American cities and deliver equitable opportunities while supporting our nation’s transition into a global pioneer of climate policy.

Co-Sponsored Legislation: This week, I lent my support and commitment to the following bills:

  • H.R. 3183:
    This bill would amend Title II of the Social Security Act to eliminate the waiting periods for disability insurance benefits and Medicare coverage for individuals with metastatic breast cancer. Breast devastates hundreds of thousands of women each year in the United States. The countless women who rely on their disability insurance benefits and Medicare coverage cannot afford the waiting periods that too often accompany the treatments they desperately need. H.R. 3183 would ensure no woman would have to wait for her life-saving metastatic breast cancer treatment again.
  • H.R. 3216:
    This bill amends current tax laws to ensure single parents receive the same assistance from the expanded child tax credit as married couples do. Single parents face an incredibly difficult and critically important task in raising their children. No parent should be punished because they do not have a spouse. No child should be deprived equal opportunity for the same reason. H.R. 3216 looks out for our Nation’s youth and all the single parents raising them.
  • H.R. 3227:
    This bill eliminates the destructive program that arms America’s law enforcement with military-grade hardware. When considering the frequency at which officers do not have the proper training to use this equipment, as well as the proven increase in use of force by officers when provided with this equipment, the choice is clear. H.R. 3227 would keep weapons of war off our streets and out of our communities.
  • H.R. 3243:
    This bill would protect our Nation’s pipelines by codifying the Transportation Security Administration’s responsibility in securing these pipelines against cybersecurity threats, acts of terrorism, and other intentionally destructive acts that jeopardize their physical security or cybersecurity. We’ve learned all too well the catastrophic consequences of cyber attacks against America’s pipelines. H.R. 3243 would enlist critical defenses to help protect our pipelines from future attacks.
  • H.R. 3312:
    This bill addresses the nationwide disparities in sex education and access to care for young people. Through their teenage years, it is critical our Nation’s young adults, regardless of their race, sexuality, gender-identity, or economic standing receive a quality sex education. The more knowledgeable they are on these important subjects, the more likely they are to make smart, informed decisions for their own health and the health of their partners. H.R. 3312 will prepare America’s young people for their adult lives and protect them along the way.




Clarke Issues Statement On Violence In The Middle East


As the deadly conflict in the Middle East continues to escalate — in what is nothing short of all-out war — the humanity of the Israeli and Palestinian people must be the center of our concern.

It is truly painful to witness this deadly escalation result in the tragic loss of innocent life. I join my colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the Administration in calling for an immediate ceasefire and a de-escalation of tension in the region. 

The United States must use constructive diplomatic efforts to broker a just and lasting peace to ensure this culture of escalating violence is not inherited by another generation of Palestinian and Israeli people.






This week, I joined Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Representatives Nydia Velazquez and Jerrold Nadler at the Sims Recycling Plant in Sunset Park to introduce the  Promoting Energy


Alternatives is Key to Emission Reductions Act of 2021, or the PEAKER Act of 2021. Communities around the country just like Sunset Park suffer from the toxic side effects of harmful emissions from fossil fuel powered peaker plants. With this legislation, countless American communities and families will be spared from these harmful emissions.






The Haitian people are strong, resilient, and fiercely passionate for their home. Though Haitian Flag Day came and went this week, it is critical we take all opportunities to express our gratefulness and admiration for our Caribbean neighbor.




An emphasis on STEAM, or science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics, is crucial for the next generation for their development into a diverse and inclusive workforce. Check out my full conversation with GamesBeat on STEAM here.



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