I had an epiphany on Saturday morning, and as a consequence sent out the note below on Saturday afternoon on Facebook.

I asked for help for the first time in my three weeks of campaigning, and the note below gives my reasoning for doing so. 

In short form I’m investing this chapter of my life in this endeavor because I think the financial direction of our country is amazingly important and sadly overlooked. I write to ask that you join me in investing time, talent and energy in doing the same.

Read the below and think about a way to get involved. I would appreciate it. What’s below is an epiphany, but again, an important one.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if you can help us, I’d really appreciate it. 


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My note from Saturday….

It was nice to be at home in South Carolina and at the Berkley County Republican Breakfast this morning. 

There was a big group gathered, and in the course of conversations I had an epiphany such that I’m now going to ask for your help

Back to that in a second, but first let me touch on those conversations…

A lot of people I talked to were supportive of my run for the presidency given they believe we indeed need to have a debate and conversation on what it means to be a Republican and on issues like spending and what comes next in our country on debt and deficits. Others were more dismissive, believing that the president was doing all that was within his power to deal with our nation’s eroding financial position.  

On this point we disagreed. I don’t believe that – and the president’s actions and words support my beliefs. 

Debt is not his thing. But it’s ours…

…….and we will reap its harvest if we do nothing to address it. 

I believe that to the core of my being. The coming financial storm will destroy the American Dream for many. It will ruin lives. It will choke off opportunity. It will turn our lives and those we love upside down.

And we get a chance only once every four years to debate this at the Presidential level. 

I feel called to speak up as I am. Sometimes you just have to say what you have to say. This is particularly the case when it’s the truth, which is the case in what I’m saying - however unpopular it may be with some friends this morning at breakfast.

So, here is my ask. Help me. I need it and would appreciate it.

I have been reticent about asking people for help, because friends don’t ask friends to climb out on a limb with them on a project of immeasurably long odds. It’s for this reason I have not asked for help in my campaign of now just over three weeks.

I thought I’d say what I had to say, and until I saw some measure of movement in a place like New Hampshire (given I have been blocked from participating in my own home state), I would not ask friends for help. 

This morning changed that for me.

This project is too important and too big for me just to leave it as “I’ll say what I have to say and go home.” I am investing this chapter of my life in this cause. I ask now that you invest just a small portion of yours.

So, if you can volunteer some time, I ask for your help. 

If you can send a letter to the paper talking about how crazy it is that we are having a national presidential debate with no talk of our county’s imploding financial state…send it. 

If you can get 10 friends to send $10 each. Would you ask them? It's easy. Go to www.MarkSanford.com. I’m still not going to ask for big help…but if we all do a little it could go a long way to helping me to raise debate and conversation that needs raising now. We can’t wait another four years to have this debate.

In any case, that’s what hit me this morning. We have to have a conversation on financial reality and what’s going on in Washington - and I need to quit being so reticent at times in pulling it forward given my admiration and fondness for people like those I was with this morning.

It's time. I ask you to join me.

Many thanks…

PS. Again, you can find my details and help at www.MarkSanford.com
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Mark Sanford was ranked one of the most conservative members of Congress by the Club for Growth, Freedomworks, Heritage Foundation, and the National Taxpayers Union, and has been recognized as the most financially conservative Governor in the country by the CATO Institute, calling him "a staunch supporter of spending restraint and pro-growth tax reforms." Mark lives in Mt. Pleasant and stays busy trying to keep up with his four boys.

Copyright © 2019 Mark Sanford, All rights reserved.


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