After losing a congressional seat, California needs a course correction

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, California’s leading exports are computers and electronic products. But these days, it feels like the top exports are jobs, residents, and misguided public policy.
Anastasia Boden and Wen Fa explain the bad government policies driving out Silicon Valley staples such as Tesla, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle, along with many Californians—a trend that has cost California a congressional seat for the first time in history.

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In an (almost) post-pandemic America, people need live theater now more than ever

There is a saying that “myth is a mirror”—that is to say that myth, or stories, help us reflect on our own lives. This is probably why live theater is such a cathartic experience. We see our own struggles reflected in the players on stage, and their triumphs over obstacles drives hope that we can do the same.

At a time when the entire country is in desperate need of hope, as Brittany Hunter writes, theater veteran Catherine Russell is fighting for the right to fill her theater to the same capacity as other businesses and bring light to those whose worlds have been darkened during the pandemic.

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PLF virtual event explores COVID-19 and executive abuse of power

From its onset, the coronavirus pandemic has proven too great a temptation for state governors to trample our rights under cover of protecting public health.

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper is one of the top offenders. For well over a year, he has exercised unprecedented, arbitrary power over North Carolinians’ lives.

But there is hope. Challenges are brewing in both legislative and judicial arenas that take aim at the state’s Emergency Management Act used by the governor to justify his power grabs.

On May 24, please join PLF as we partner with the North Carolina-based John Locke Foundation to learn about these efforts to curb executive overreach in the Tar Heel State and how to apply these lessons in your own state.

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