Passing common sense gun reform is common sense. Plain and simple. Add your name now if you agree.

The Senate refuses to take up common sense gun safety reforms — especially when an overwhelming majority of Americans agree that it’s the right thing to do. In fact, 97% of Americans support universal background checks!

I am sick and tired of watching politics as usual interfere with the lives of everyday Americans. Families and communities across the country should not have to suffer because their politicians are too tied up in partisan games to do what they were elected to do and pass these common sense reforms.

Will you add your name to urge Congress to pass common sense gun safety reforms?


John, we’ve suffered enough tragedy. Now is the time to come together and demand action. We must demand that our elected officials keep our communities and our neighborhoods safe.

Are you with me? Add your name here:

Thank you,



Dan, an engineer and former teacher, has brought hundreds of millions of dollars in critical infrastructure projects to Illinois, fought for better schools, protections for our seniors, reforms to fix our broken Congress, and sought to make healthcare more affordable for all. We are grateful for your support. Please take a moment to like Dan on Facebook or follow Dan on Twitter. If you’d like to contribute to help Dan keep fighting in Congress, you can click here to support Dan’s reelection now.


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Dan Lipinski for Congress
P.O. Box 520
Western Springs, IL 60558
United States