
I wanted to forward you this summer job opportunity from the Fund for the Public Interest. They're hiring in cities across the country. See below for more information.

Shawna Upton
National Recruitment Director
The Student PIRGs


What will you be doing this summer? Are you looking for a job that will build your skills? Or a job that will make real impacts on real issues, like saving the bees?

Each summer the Fund for the Public Interest hire thousands of people to work on their campaigns. Whether this is your first time working on a campaign, or if you are an experienced canvasser, we have a position for you.
This Summer, we’re calling on the country’s biggest online retailer, Amazon, to make a commitment to stop selling bee-killing pesticides. Other stores such as Home Depot and Lowe’s have agreed to curb these products. It’s time for Amazon to join them.

Every day counts for the bees. Nearly one in four native bee species is at increasing risk of going extinct. Beekeepers lost 44% of their managed honey bee colonies this past year.That’s why every action to reduce bee-killing pesticides, preserve bee habitat, and slow climate change matters so much. Together, we can make a real difference in the global effort to save the bees.

Apply now to make a difference and help save the bees this Summer.

Many people are faced with a tough choice for how to spend their summer as we reopen from COVID-related closures. Do I earn money by waiting tables, painting houses or making lattes, or do I take that unpaid internship so I can get real-world experience, or work on something I really care about? Do you find a job where you can work outside or do you just simply need a good job that pays good money?

Apply now and make the choice to make an impact and get paid for it.

Here are some positions available in our offices:

As a canvasser with Fund for the Public Interest, you’ll work in one of dozens of cities across the country. You’ll go out into communities, knock on doors and talk to people about the issues to raise awareness, build our membership and raise money for the organizations we work with.

Field Manager:
In addition to canvassing every day, field managers work closely with the canvass director to meet the goals of the office, and have the chance to build even more skills.
Field managers oversee a team of staff and are responsible for recruiting, training and motivating their team to hit its goals. They also have additional responsibilities to map out canvassing territories, keep good financial records and help carry out other campaign work (such as working with the media, coalition building and petitioning).

Safety during the COVID-19 pandemic is top priority; and The Fund for the Public Interest will follow appropriate COVID-19 safety protocols to protect staff and the public.

Apply online at summerjobsthatmatter.org

Look forward to seeing your application,

Emily Reid

National Canvass Director

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Student PIRGs · 294 Washington St Suite 500 · Boston, Massachusetts 02109 · USA