
For over 48 years, Roe v. Wade ensured the government had no place between a woman and her doctor. But ever since, Republicans in Washington D.C. have been hellbent on banning abortion and believe politicians should have a say in a woman’s personal health care decision.

And now the Supreme Court, with three judges hand-picked by Trump himself, has agreed to take up a major abortion case that could seriously roll back reproductive rights.

The health and safety of women are at risk. We have to fight back immediately. Sign my urgent petition demanding the Supreme Court uphold reproductive freedom and the right to choose.


Over recent years, Republicans have sought to undermine women’s access to affordable health care — from defunding Planned Parenthood to trying to overturn Roe v. Wade — in the hopes that a conservative Supreme Court would side with them.

And now, they just might get their wish.

It’s quite simple: Politicians don’t belong in the doctor’s room. It’s on all of us to stand up, speak out, and call out these injustices.

Sign our petition now demanding the Supreme Court uphold Roe v. Wade. There has never been a more important time for you to speak out.


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