
We have just one week to stop anti-gun safety legislation from passing the Pennsylvania House.

Two dangerous firearm bills, H.B. 659 and H.B. 979, will be considered in the House Judiciary Committee next week, and the gun lobby is already working hard to ensure they make it out of committee and onto the House floor for a vote.

Here's a quick breakdown of this deadly duo:  

We need to be ready with a majority of votes against this dangerous pair. Tell your Representative: Vote NO on these two anti-gun bills when they reach the House floor.

Both of these bills would endanger Pennsylvanian lives with gun violence.

H.B. 659 would allow any Pennsylvanian to carry a concealed gun without a permit, putting civilians at risk and making law enforcement’s jobs more difficult and dangerous. This idea isn't even popular — over 80 percent of gun owners, non-gun owners, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents believe high safety standards are necessary for issuing concealed carry permits.³

And H.B. 979 would punish local officials who pass life-saving gun ordinances, requiring them and their constituents to face and even pay for lawsuits from anyone who wants to oppose firearm safety measures.

We need to be ready to fight both of these pieces of legislation. Tell your State Representative to vote NO on H.B. 659 and H.B. 979, and not let a fictional problem have real and deadly consequences.

Adam Garber
Executive Director, CeaseFirePA


¹Concealed carry reciprocity: overriding state public safety laws. Everytown Research and Policy. 2018
²House Co-Sponsorship Memorandum, Preemption Legislation former HB 1066, Dowling.
³Daniel W. Webster et al., “Concealed Carry of Firearms: Fact vs. Fiction”. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Gun Policy and Research. (2017),

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