Hi Friend,

A zip code shouldn’t define the education a student receives… just as it shouldn’t determine a child’s outcome in life.

But it does… because powerful teachers unions and special interest groups have a firm grip and near-unchecked power on government-run public school systems.

The pandemic exposed the ugly truth that in these bureaucrat-run public schools, students often come last. Friend, it’s time they put KIDS FIRST.
Put Kids First

Continued school closures and government-mandated changes to learning are harming children. 

Our government-run public school systems are failing students… because teachers unions and union-supported school board members are putting their own self-interests ahead of students’ best interests.

It’s such a backwards way of thinking and operating. And it just doesn’t make sense. Our students deserve better.

Access to a good education is the only true equal opportunity provider. It’s the only aspect of our society that offers a chance at leveling the proverbial playing field.
Put Kids First

Parents need leverage. It’s time to give parents a choice and students a chance when it comes to how and where a child learns. It’s time to demand accountability and transparency in our unresponsive school systems. And it’s time to fight for funding to follow students… not bureaucracies.

Speak up for our students. Speak up about school choice. And speak up and share your own story and why it’s important to put KIDS FIRST. 

Put Kids First
Many thanks,

Ginny Gentles