By Brigitte Gabriel 


President Biden has ignored the border surge.  He has clearly stated that it is no more than an “ordinary seasonal occurrence.”  He has failed to visit the border during this time of crisis.  Vice President Harris, his designated “czar” for resolving the border ‘dilemma’. has laughingly refused to personally confront the chaos and deliberately spurned any responsibility for bringing order to the border.  The Vice President’s visit to Mexico and Central America next month and squandering 4 billion dollars on corrupt governments aligned with the drug and human trafficking cartels will not stop the conflagration at our borders.  


President Biden must recognize that our border is on FIRE.  His leadership in this area is akin to Nero fiddling while Rome burned.  His denial of the crisis and its devastating impact is unconscionable.  This administration’s mischaracterization, lack of transparency, and outright concealment of the situation does not make the crisis or its consequences disappear.  The border invasion and the administration’s immigration policies constitute an existential threat to our nation.  Biden’s non-enforcement directives have incentivized and accelerated illegal immigration to heights previously unknown.


The immigration policies of President Biden have adversely affected the government agencies with responsibility for border integrity, national security, and public safety.  The diversion of border personnel from their primary duties and the restrictions placed on enforcement authority have increased human trafficking and smuggling operations.  News footage of smugglers throwing tiny children over the border fence, into the river and abandoning them in the desert can only be seen as horrific.  


The President and Vice-president are joined in this dereliction of duty by a chorus of legislative leaders, state and local officials who are singing the praises of amnesty and open borders.  Theirs is a well-orchestrated plan to demonize immigration and border security agents under the guise of humanitarianism.  There is nothing humanitarian about allowing children to be placed in the hands of smugglers, abused, and used as political pawns.   There is nothing humanitarian about allowing illegal aliens to freely engage in criminal activity.


This firestorm was not sparked by lightning nor by an aberrant accident of nature.  it was ignited by the President’s open border rhetoric, the issuance of executive orders rescinding existing effective enforcement policies and the refusal to execute our immigration law as written.  The flames are fueled by open invitations to illegal entrants and the promise to forestall deportations and removal actions.  Gasoline is added to this fire by legislation curtailing enforcement efforts, subsidizing the presence of illegal immigrants in the U.S., and providing paths to citizenship for long-term flagrant violators of our laws. 


The expedited processing of illegal aliens without proper inspection, as well as,  transportation of these illegal aliens by bus and plane at government expense to a destination of their choice succeeds only in spreading the flames of destruction nationwide.  Our own government becomes complicit in completing the smuggling operations initiated by the drug and human trafficking cartels!


The adverse impact on the American people is further heightened by our own government’s failure to adhere to Covid and other public health restrictions.  COVID pandemic refugees from India and Brazil form a significant percentage of those seeking illegal entry.  The failure to apply long-standing protections for health and safety not only endangers public safety, but jeopardizes our country’s recovery from the pandemic.


The American people are exhausted and repelled by political wrangling and playing the blame for the crisis of our border under fire.  We are far more concerned about having leaders take responsibility for their actions and developing genuine solutions.   We need action not a reprise of Nero’s musical serenade.  A firestorm cannot be contained, it must be extinguished.  It is time that we demand accountability from our leaders.



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