A big hello to all of you, our friends and supporters of UNITED!
We’re back at it with more news and more updates from our work.
June 20th campaign

The most immediate of which is, that time of the year (again) - our June 20th campaign, for World Refugee Day, when we produce our updated List of Refugee Deaths. It’s an ever-growing list and a somber reminder of the fatal policies of Fortress Europe, and how dehumanized so many have become, with the value of their lives turned negligible.
The latest example of a Fortress Europe policy: in Greece, European Union funds are going into building a wall around the Greek refugee camps Ritsona, Polykastro, Diavata, Malakasa and Nea Kavala. Millions of euros allocated for building walls should be spent on education, psychological support and the improvement of hygienic conditions in the refugee camps.
Instead, they are going into building a concrete wall - a NATO type fence, with additional security measures.
Being a refugee is not a crime. Seeking asylum is a human right.
We join over 30 NGOs in asking the authorities to #BuildSchoolsNotWalls: and you can too, by signing this petition here: https://secure.avaaz.org/community_petitions/en/notis_mitarachi_the_minister_of_migration_of_greec_eu_build_schools_not_walls/?fbclid=IwAR2JUPxvBZfPg7uguWaabEmTFVqClqnUexyYuVWT6KtytzFC-5bQdhdxPQM
Share your voice, and show you care. Without your support, policies such as the above will continue unchecked. Sign the petition above and put pressure to make this wall stop!
At UNITED we are hard at work putting together an updated list, along with best practises for what you can do with this list. Stay tuned for more on that from us.
Speaking of the migration issue, have you read our latest blog post on the European Commission new Pact on Migration and Asylum?
Campaign Preparatory Group

Have you heard the news yet? UNITED is looking for volunteers to join its Campaign Preparatory Group! If you’re enthusiastic and passionate about the cause of antiracism and human rights, and want to assist one of the largest European NGO networks with Europe-wide initiatives to tackle discrimination and prejudice? Apply to become a member of UNITED’s Campaign Preparation Group!
More information can be found here. We’re looking forward to your applications!

On that note, we are also looking for delegates. The pool of UNITED Delegates consists of experts and activists, who act as the ambassadors of the network, and represent UNITED at various international meetings and events. By doing so, you are expanding the UNITED network, creating linkages internationally, also contributing to our common cause, which is fighting against any type of racism and discrimination.
During the events, you will represent UNITED, so your main task will be making other people know about who we are and what our network represents. Hence, we will provide you with more detailed information on our organization.
Sound interesting to you? Fill out the form here!
In other news…
- Have you caught the Human Rights Watch film festival? It’s taking place online from May 19th to the 27th, streaming across the US here. Don’t miss it!
- Did you catch our online training on digital privacy? “My Privacy - Your Safety” was a 3-day training workshop where participants collaborated on a training manual for online safety. More information here.