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Friday, May 21st, 2021

How the CDC Is Manipulating Data To Prop-up ‘Vaccine Effectiveness’

Kit Knightly

Physician and Nuclear Cardiologist: Covid-19 and the Covid Shots Are Man-Made Bio-Weapons

Ginny Garner

A New Way To Enter Trader Joe’s and a Dozen Other Stores With No Mask

Allan Stevo

The End of Paper Gold and Silver Markets

Alasdair Macleod

Smart People Say Dumb Things: Bill Gates Edition

Norman Rogers

If Everything Is Going To Be Just Fine, Why Do the Shortages Just Keep Getting Worse?

Michael Snyder

And Just Like That, the Mask Mandate Ended

Joaquin Flores

The Five Myths of Systemic Racism in Policing

Lipton Matthews

The Pandemic Virus That Doesn’t Exist

Jon Rappoport

Will Biden Stay in Bibi’s Pocket?

Ray McGovern

Time To Privatize Our Public Schools

Boyd D. Cathey

Tennessee’s ‘Anti-Trans’ Bathroom Law Furor

Nebojsa Malic

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