Hi Friends:

Are you tired of being embarrassed by the news? Is the impeachment news cycle not quite what you thought it’d be? Are you sick of things getting worse, right when you think they’ve bottomed out? Do you want to create change without leaving your home at the end of the day?

DAGA has partnered with Open Progress Text Troop to text voters across the country to let them know about the exciting and historic candidates for AG like Jennifer Riley Collins in Mississippi, Ike Jackson in Louisiana, and Greg Stumbo in Kentucky.


Join us in our effort to reach, engage, register and mobilize millions of voters about the critical role our Attorneys General play in our democracy.

In 2018, our volunteer texters played an essential role in flipping four major AG races in Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Colorado. We have important races in 2019 – and we want to build on the work we got done in 2018.

We need your help to text voters and get these candidates over the finish line in 2019. And the good news is that you can get involved wherever and whenever you have access to a computer. Our texting program is safe, flexible, and easy to get up and running. Also, it's a lot of FUN, plus you meet other amazing texters in our Slack channel!

Can we count on you to join the Text Troop that has already texted millions of voters around the country?


Even just 2 hours a week will allow you to reach thousands of people, and texting doesn’t use your personal cell number. Ready to get started?

Thank you,

Follow us to stay connected and get the latest updates about how Democratic AGs are fighting for your rights: