Dear Colleague,
After the Friday Fax reported last week on the new UNICEF report on porn for kids, UNICEF removed the report from its website, carefully edited it, and put it back up. As we go to press today, it appears the report is back down again. In the report, they argue that porn is fine for kids and that they have a human right to it. Alexis Fragosa, J.D. reports.
Did the pandemic wreak havoc on families and marriages? That is what many have told us. But, sociologist Mark Regnerus has examined data from around the world and found this is not necessarily true. In fact, he found that marriages and families were strengthened. He reported this data at a UN conference on the family hosted by UN Member States and C-Fam. Stefano Gennarini, J.D. reports.
If you missed our UN event this week commemorating the International Day of Families it can be viewed here. Note that we edited out the hackers that infiltrated our event with obscene material.
Spread the word. Be daring. Keep the faith.
Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse