Dear Christopher,

The dividing line among the Democratic candidates for president is not mainly in the area of policy. All of us have policies that are clearly superior to those of President Trump. But it is not just the policies of the Democratic Party that are superior to his. It is our vision for America that is superior to his.
The nominee best suited to defeat him is someone who can articulate to the American people a vision for America more compelling than his.
Our last Democratic president did not win only because of his policies; Obama won also because of his ability to inspire. Hardly any of us can remember the exact policies that made us so passionate about the race in 2008, but all of us can remember, “Yes we can!” An ability to inspire and uplift will be the deciding factor in 2020 as well.
More than a political mechanic, at this moment we need a political visionary. The Democratic Party has extraordinary political mechanics, yet that isn’t the ground on which the race in 2020 will be won.
The most important qualification for the Democratic nominee is someone who can speak to the heart of the matter, articulate the deeper forces that have divided us as a country, and harness the motivation and inspiration we will need to turn our country around.

I am running for president to articulate for the American people another way.

We must realign our economics with justice, rescue millions of traumatized children, heal our racial divide, reverse climate change, and regain America’s moral authority as a world leader—all to reclaim the essence of what it means to be a free and democratic society.
We need an economy that serves our humanity, rather than an economy that runs roughshod over our humanity.
We need a season of moral repair.
We need to do our best to love one another, not just as individuals, but as groups of individuals.
We need to remember that serving our country is more important than serving ourselves.
Those are not just policy positions, they are moral positions. And they’re the winning ones for 2020. They are the pillars of a politics of conscience.
Please support the campaign as generously as possible. We have much to do and we must do it quickly.

In love and victory,


Paid for by Marianne Williamson For President