We are excited to share that we are growing memberships at a rate of two or even three times that of last year! We are truly humbled by the generosity of our supporters and readers.
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Now Hiring: New Staff Openings at Charlemagne Institute
We are excited to share that we are growing memberships at a rate of two or even three times that of last year! We are truly humbled by the generosity of our supporters and readers. Thank you!
As we’ve grown, we’ve found we need a few more hands on deck. The first open position is for an Associate Editor and the second is for a Business Development Associate. Below are more details.
Associate Editor
Charlemagne Institute seeks a full-time Associate Editor for Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and Intellectual Takeout. Chronicles is a leading opinion journal of the paleoconservative and populist right. Published in Middle America, Chronicles is aimed at providing intellectual stimulation for conservatives and independents of all stripes through political and cultural essays as well as literature and film reviews. Intellectual Takeout is a thriving webzine that feeds minds and pursues truth with 8 million unique readers annually.
The Associate Editor will report to the Executive Editor and work with the editorial team to produce the monthly print issue of Chronicles as well as daily content for the Chronicles website and Intellectual Takeout. The Associate Editor should have experience in editing, copy editing, and proofreading, and in writing and reporting news and feature articles. Three-to-five years of editorial or reporting experience needed.
We offer a competitive benefits package; salary commensurate with experience. For more details on the Associate Editor position, please e-mail (mailto:
[email protected]) us here.
Business Development Associate
Charlemagne Institute seeks a full-time Business Development Associate to provide critical support for the Chief Executive Officer and the leadership team. We are an educational non-profit defending and advancing Western Civilization through in-person, print, and digital communications. Charlemagne publishes both Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture and the webzine Intellectual Takeout.
The Business Development Associate will collaborate with the CEO and other staff to achieve the growth objectives of the Charlemagne Institute. Areas of activity will include fundraising, communications, operations, brand management, special events, networking, and strategic planning. One-to-three years of development and communications experience requested.
We offer a competitive benefits package; salary commensurate with experience. For more details on the Business Development Associate position, please e-mail (mailto:
[email protected]) us here.
How to Apply
If you are interested in one of the positions, please reach out to us via e-mail (mailto:
[email protected]) and include a resume or CV, multiple writing samples, and any letters of recommendation available. Otherwise, please feel free to forward this email or share this link ([link removed]) to any potential candidates in your network.
Once again, thank you to our members who make all of our work possible!
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Devin C. Foley
CEO, Charlemagne Institute
P.S. If you are not yet a member of Charlemagne Institute, please consider joining us ([link removed]) . An essential membership is $5 per month or $50 for the year and includes a complimentary 12-month print subscription to Chronicles magazine. We hope you join us in the fight for our country and the principles and traditions that made her great!
If you have any questions, please email
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) or call (952) 388–0840.
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8011 34th Ave S, Ste C-11
Bloomington, MN 55425
(952) 388-0840
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