Hello —

On January 6th, pro-Trump terrorists — waving Confederate flags, wearing anti-Semitic clothing, and hanging nooses — stormed our streets and broke into the U.S. Capitol, demanding we overturn the results of the presidential election.

It was a dark day for our democracy and if we want to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again, we must form a bipartisan January 6th Commission to investigate this insurrection and uncover the truth.

Yesterday, the House passed a bipartisan resolution to do just that. But Mitch McConnell just announced he will be against any January 6th Commission — a measure that needs 60 votes to pass in the Senate.

Donald Trump violated his oath of office by spreading baseless claims of voter fraud, which fueled the riots at the Capitol. Those who enabled him must face the consequences of their actions.

Will you sign my petition demanding Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans support a bipartisan January 6 Commission so we can uncover the truth about the events that led to the Capitol insurrection?


I’m hopeful that we can turn the page on this painful chapter in American history — but only if we work together to uncover the truth and hold those responsible accountable.

I promise to always fight for the best of America. Thank you for fighting alongside me.

— John