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 News of the Week

It’s Insider Vs. Outsiders in Republican Council Primary on Staten Island
A tradition of handing down power within this 50th Council district office is under assault in the most contested Republican primary in this cycle.

Ethics Charges Fly As Mayoral Race Intensifies
Andrew Yang and Eric Adams both asked the Campaign Finance Board to investigate the other, as Scott Stringer alluded to ethical questions that have dogged several candidates.

Ready Your Documents: What to Know to Apply for New York Rent Relief
It’s not yet clear when the state’s latest COVID-19 rent relief program will open to applicants, though officials are expecting it to launch by the end of May. In the meantime, tenant advocates and housing rights groups are gearing up to help thousands of renters compile and submit the forms necessary to apply for the assistance.

One of the Council’s Newest Members Faces a Veteran Challenger and a New Voice
The 12th district, which covers the northeast Bronx, has seen two consecutive Council members ousted for corruption. Six months to the day after a special election elevated Kevin Riley to the seat, he faces two rivals on Primary Day.

Growing Number of NYC Mayoral Candidates Pledge Support for Maintaining Term Limits

Ray McGuire and Kathryn Garcia joined Shaun Donovan, Andrew Yang, and Maya Wiley recently in supporting limited terms for those elected to local office.

‘The Lights in the Stadium Are Going to Come On’ in NYC’s Mayoral Race

A veteran political operator says the 2021 race is about to get very real for New Yorkers—in person and, most crucially, on television.

NYC to Hire 112 Temp Workers to Track Homeless in Subways as 24-Hour Service Resumes
The hiring increase worries some advocates who say the data collectors could erode the crucial trust street homeless New Yorkers develop with nonprofit outreach workers who develop relationships during routine visits.
Borough President Candidates Offer Visions for a Healthier Bronx

Fernando Cabrera, Vanessa Gibson, Nathalia Fernandez and Luis Sepulveda talked about disparities, community clinics, fresh produce, the health impacts of violence and more.

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Una Ciudad sin Límites

  Desde el 1 de mayo residentes del estado de Nueva Jersey, sin importar el estatus migratorio, pueden solicitar licencia de conducción en la Comisión de Vehículos de Motor de Nueva Jersey (New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission o NJMVC por sus siglas en inglés). Aquí explicamos el paso a paso.
  Para hablar sobre cómo ha sido el proceso de reunificación de familias inmigrantes invitamos a Amari Verastegui, asistente legal de las poblaciones vulnerables en La Red Católica de Inmigración Legal (Catholic Legal Immigration Network o CLINIC por sus siglas en inglés), una de las organizaciones que ayudado en el proceso de reunificar.

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City Views

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Opinion: Close the Loophole that Lets Police Handcuff Women in Labor
‘The NYPD updated their patrol guide to prohibit restraining arrestees in labor. But the policy will not be worth the paper it is printed on unless the NYPD educates officers. And if the department needs help, I will volunteer myself to visit each precinct with a bullhorn to hammer it home.‘

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