We’ll be direct here, friends: we’re emailing today to ask you to make a $3 donation. But before we ask, we’re hoping you’ll give us a chance to explain why your support — no matter how big or small — means so much right now.

Unlike a lot of campaigns, after the election back in November, we decided to keep our organizing operation up and running. Ed understood how important it was for our movement that we keep our momentum up and continue building progressive power, not only in the halls of Congress but all across the country. And the truth is, that takes resources.

We’ve set some modest fundraising goals in order to keep our operation going — nothing outlandish, but they’re still important targets that we have to hit.

Right now, we’re behind where we were hoping to be at this point in the month. We’ve got a tremendous amount of work to do in the weeks, months, and years ahead — and we need to get back on track. So here’s the part where we ask:

Will you chip in $3 or anything you can afford to help us continue organizing for our bold progressive agenda? This is important, and Ed’s hoping he can count on your support today.

The only way that we’re going to succeed in passing a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, a $15 minimum wage, gun safety legislation, or any other of the major policies that our country so badly needs is if we continue to stand together.

What that means is keeping our foot on the gas, building grassroots power and growing our movement, day in, day out — and making sure we don’t fall short of our goals. So please:

If you can afford to, chip in your first online contribution today. Every donation will be put right to work in Ed’s fight for our bold progressive agenda.

Thank you in advance for adding your contribution today if you can. It means a lot to Ed to be in this with you.

In solidarity,

Team Markey


Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
United States

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