Dear John-,
This week, the State Education Department opened a survey to seek community input in developing a plan on how they will spend the $9 billion New York schools are receiving from the federal government to support safe reopening and students' academic, social, emotional and mental health needs. This is a chance to have your voice heard! Complete the survey before Monday, May 24 and tell the New York State Education Department how they should spend the money.
This short survey allows you to submit specific comments and priorities, as well as rate other people’s responses. Complete the survey by Monday, May 24 to make sure community demands are heard! Click here to take the survey. This is a time to voice demands that support a safe reopening & students’ academic, social, emotional & mental health needs. Some of our top demands include:
- Culturally affirming-sustaining education and anti-racism approach
- Invest in infrastructure and technology, including broadband and devices
- Supportive schools with enough teachers, assistants, social workers, psychologists, and counselors
- Strong support for academics
- Services for all disabled students
- Invest in multi-lingual, diverse staff
- Invest in programs and services for English Language Learners
Help amplify community voices around the state! Complete the survey by Monday May 24.
In Solidarity,
Jasmine Gripper