COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act passes and goes to President Biden's desk Dear John, This has been a heavy year for our AAPI communities. There have been over 6,600 reported instances of anti-Asian violence, and we suspect the true number might be much higher. This violence has, understandably, had a huge impact on our communities. I'm so proud of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act and all the work we put in to find a comprehensive solution. I am also very grateful for the nearly unprecedented bipartisan support this bill received, which reminds us that we are not alone in standing up to bigotry. The violence we've seen this past year has shown us just how much our national response to combating hate crimes is lacking and how desperately we need these new measures. This bill -- which will create a new position at the Department of Justice to better track and address hate crimes and incidents -- will help keep our communities safe. It also includes my bill with Rep. Don Beyer, the NO HATE Act, to strengthen hate crimes reporting and tracking, train localities to investigate hate crimes, and provide support to victims. With its passage in the House, the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act is now going to the president's desk for signature, and I look forward to it becoming law. Although Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is coming to an end, I won't stop advocating for AAPI communities. I'm ready to keep fighting at every turn until we are all free from bigotry and violence. There is still work to be done, and I'm ready to do it. In friendship, Judy Chu Click here to support me Judy Chu | AMB Consulting, 1531 Purdue Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 Unsubscribe
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