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Help CHBA BC Advocate for You! Spring Member Pulse Check
As a friendly reminder, CHBA BC invites members to complete our Spring 2021: Member Pulse Survey.
This brief ten (10) minute survey builds and expands on last year’s COVID-19 Economic Impact Surveys.
The survey data will help us determine the current state of operations with CHBA BC member companies, the scope of challenges currently facing the residential construction industry and what the association should prioritize as we remain highly engaged with the provincial government. All insights received will be used to inform how CHBA BC staff can best serve the interest of its collective members in the coming months, and communicate key aggregate data to the provincial government.
The survey will be open until Friday, May 24th, and members who do complete this survey will be entered into a draw to win one of three $50.00 gift cards.
You can complete the survey here.
Building Material Supplies Update
CHBA BC alongside with our national counterparts is aware of the significant challenges associated with building supplies, particularly lumber, and we are collectively exploring all opportunities available to alleviate the impacts.
CHBA has been actively engaged on this issue since it began to surface in the summer, engaging with the wood industry and bringing it to the attention of various government officials and through the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources, refer to CHBA’s formal submission.
Members can find further updates on the conditions of building materials and supplies from the Western Retail Lumber Association below.
Building Materials Update #2 accessible here.
Building Materials Update #1 accessible here.
Free Direct Access to National Model Codes and User's Guides
National Research Council
The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) first offered free electronic access to the National Model Codes in April 2019, through funding from the Government of Canada in support of freely available and harmonized building codes.
The NRC is pleased to share two recent updates that aim to further improve access to the National Model Codes and related publications for Canadians:
Free user’s guides
To help ensure that the National Model Codes are properly understood and effectively implemented, the NRC is now offering free electronic access to the related user’s guides, including:
• Structural Commentaries (User's Guide – NBC 2015: Part 4 of Division B)
• Illustrated User’s Guide – NBC 2015: Part 9 of Division B, Housing and Small Buildings
• User’s Guide – National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2017
The user’s guides are designed to complement the National Model Codes by providing additional background information, as well as detailed examples and calculations.
Direct access to codes and user’s guides in electronic format
To improve online access to the National Model Codes and the related user’s guides, the NRC has now made the current and previous electronic editions of these publications available for download in PDF format from the NRC Publications Archive.
The NRC is also working towards providing the next electronic editions of the codes and user’s guides in a new accessible HTML format. The print editions of the code publications will continue to be available for purchase through the NRC Virtual Store.
- 1st or 2nd mortgages
- Fully open terms
- Quick turn around on draws
New Fees from Technical Safety BC, Effective May 17, 2021
Technical Safety BC
Effective May 17, 2021, Technical Safety BC’s fees will increase by 2%. In January, CHBA BC submitted comments as part of the consultation process, specifically asking to explore other ways Technical Safety BC can support CHBA BC members during this period.
Click here to view the electrical fee schedule.
What Technical Safety BC does with the revenue collected from fees
Technical BC works with industry stakeholders to administer safety legislation and regulation and oversee the safe installation and operation of technical systems and equipment in BC.
Some examples of what Technical BC has done in 2020 includes:
- Launching online design registration: Clients can enjoy a faster turnaround time for their submissions, easily find the form they need, and track the status of their submissions. Clients can also communicate directly with the responsible engineer.
- Introducing remote inspections: Per public health guidelines, remote inspections became our primary method of assessment. Together with in-person inspections (when needed), we target areas of the highest public risk while maximizing efficiency and safety.
- Educating and supporting building owners: We’re helping building owners better understand their responsibilities and bringing more awareness to equipment safety hazards.
- Advancing industry knowledge: Certification programs are up to date with the latest industry safety knowledge and certification exams were made available online.
Click here for more details.
'Worse and worse every day': Home builders roiled by product shortages, volatile prices
Globe and Mail
Home builders across Canada are getting hit by a string of supply-chain disruptions, resulting in widespread product shortages and explosive costs for the industry.
In some cases, home construction is months behind schedule as developers struggle to source everything from lumber to PVC pipes, insulation to windows. Builders are also holding back on presales, unable to accurately price their homes too far in advance, given that material costs can fluctuate wildly on a daily basis.
“The whole supply chain is out of whack,” said Matt McCurrach, Gov't Relations Committee Chair at CHBA BC. “Quotes are only good for 7 days, and you can’t even lock in pricing at this moment. Until we can lock in every number, we won’t start selling."
Read the full article here.
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Why Canada needs to focus on ways to encourage more home building
Globe and Mail
Focusing on interest rate policy or macroprudential instruments, such as stricter mortgage stress tests, draws attention away from the underlying cause of the problem: the inability of supply to meet demand. Put simply, this country doesn’t build enough housing. We should not be surprised by this. Canada has increased immigration dramatically in recent years to tremendous benefit to the economy, but we failed to pro-actively address the housing challenges the consequent population boom was sure to bring.
Read the full article here.
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Weekly Update Connect with Canadian Home Builders' Association of BC
Jason Zimmerman, Director of Publishing, Multiview, 469-420-2686 | Download media kit
Oliver Kirby, Senior Content Editor, Multiview, 289-695-5401 | Contribute News
Canadian Home Builders' Association of British Columbia 400-6400 Roberts Street | Burnaby, BC V5G 4C9 604-432-7112 | Contact Us |
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