It's been a few weeks, and we've published a heck of a lot of exclusive news about the threats to the United States and who is behind them. I hope you've appreciated the content the past month, because we're doubling down on our efforts thanks to our amazing audience.
As you know, we've also published a bunch of new podcasts in recent weeks, and I've recently been told by some of the most influential people on Capitol Hill that we have become their "go to" source for real news. Amazing!
By tonight, we'll be close to passing the 3,000 members mark on The National Pulse, and I have taken to joining our members for regular, exclusive LIVE chats in our private Discord channel. If you're not already in there, you can gain access for just $5 a month. 
With the facts I'm dropping from Capitol Hill, believe me, it's worth it. And I know our current members wouldn't mind if I told you they feel the same way! 
I'm in Arizona the next few days, and I'll be attending the Matt Gaetz-Marjorie Taylor Greene rally in Mesa on Friday. For those of you on this side of the world, I hope to see you there! 
Thank you for your ongoing support for REAL NEWS.
Raheem Kassam
The National Pulse
P.S. – I wanna make sure we stay in touch, especially with all the Big Tech censorship going on at the moment. Please take a second to make sure you're following me on Gab, and if I see you around let me know to follow you back! 
Thank you.
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