Dear John,
Please join us today, Thursday, May 20, for ADL’s Fighting Hate from Home webinar — “Under Attack: The Surge of Antisemitism During the Conflict in Israel and the Region” at 2:30 PM ET/11:30 AM PT.
In recent days, Hamas and its allies have sent thousands of rockets from Gaza into Israel, Israeli military counterstrikes have struck Gaza, and extremist violence — both Jewish and Arab — has erupted in the streets of Israel. During the crisis, anti-Israel protests have erupted and anger against Israel has surged in the United States, Europe and elsewhere, and has often crossed the line from lawful protest to hateful antisemitism.
In Illinois, pro-Palestinian demonstrators calling for an Intifada (an uprising) gathered outside a synagogue. In Los Angeles, a pro-Palestinian mob violently attacked Jewish diners while yelling slurs. In London, a caravan of cars with Palestinian flags drove through the streets shouting antisemitic obscenities. In Germany, synagogues have been the target of hurled rocks and threats. In Montreal, pro-Israel protesters were injured by pro-Palestinian protesters.
On social media, seething antisemitic posts laden with misinformation have surged on every major platform, with Jewish students as young as middle school feeling embattled on channels including Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.
Sharon Nazarian, ADL’s SVP of International Affairs, who has been coordinating our global response to the crisis, will lead a discussion with Dr. Dave Rich, Director of Policy for Community Security Trust (UK), Carole Nuriel, our Regional Director in Israel and Oren Segal, VP of our Center on Extremism
on the urgent need to confront the antisemitism and extremism that have been fed by the conflict in Israel and the region as it dominates world headlines.
We want you to be part of this conversation, so please bring your questions for the Q&A segment.