Friend, Earlier this month, a dead Cuvier's beaked whale washed ashore. The cause of death? Eating massive amounts of plastic products that had ended up in the ocean.1 It's just the latest in a string of examples of how our plastic waste is devastating wildlife. It's increasingly clear we need to do better -- but Whole Foods, which advertises itself as environmentally responsible, recently received an F grade from As You Sow for its plastic packaging.2 Whole Foods has an important board meeting next week, where it'll be considering a shareholder resolution to address plastic packaging. Take a minute now to tell Whole Foods that it's time it gets single-use plastic packaging off its shelves. Human beings have produced more than 8 billion metric tons of plastic since its invention, and most of it has ended up clogging landfills or choking wildlife in our oceans.3 We need companies like Whole Foods to take responsibility for the pollution their products create -- and that starts with getting rid of single-use plastic packaging. Whole Foods needs to hear from people like you that our oceans and wildlife can't wait. The store needs to take action now to eliminate single-use plastic packaging. With your help, we can ensure that Whole Foods does its part to protect our planet by putting wildlife over waste. Tell Whole Foods: It's time to do better on plastic packaging. Thank you for taking action, Hannah Collazo |
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