October 8, 2019
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No greater love
Jerry Newcombe

October 7, 2019
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? On August 12, Callan Stone submitted to the Utah Supreme Court a formal Reply to Respondent's opposition to his Petition for a Writ of Certiorari... (more)

October 7, 2019
BYRON YORK ? There have so far been two hearings in the House Democrats' effort to impeach President Trump over the Ukraine matter. Both have been held in secret. One was Thursday, the other Friday, and the public does not know what was said in either. Two more are scheduled for this week, and they will be held behind closed doors, too.... (more)

October 6, 2019
NBC NEWS ? Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) talks to Chuck Todd about "propaganda stuff" in response to a question about Ukraine, during an exclusive interview with Meet the Press.... (more)

October 6, 2019
MSN ? In 2016, Erick Erickson could not have been clearer. Donald Trump was "a racist" and "a fascist." It was no wonder, Mr. Erickson wrote, that "so many people with swastikas in their Twitter profile pics" supported him. "I will not vote for Donald Trump. Ever," he insisted, adding his voice to the chorus of Never Trump Republicans.... (more)

October 6, 2019
THE GATEWAY PUNDIT ? As reported yesterday --House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) learned about the Deep State CIA spy's accusations against President Trump several days before the officer filed a whistleblower complaint. It is blatantly obvious that Adam Schiff is one of the main architects of this coup against Trump and worked with the Brennan protege and partisan CIA operative to help him craft the complaint.... (more)

October 4, 2019
City tried to dictate speech of licensed therapists
WORLDNETDAILY ? A federal judge has torpedoed the city of Tampa's attempt to block licensed counselors from helping patients overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. Similar laws have been defeated in other jurisdictions. In Tampa, U.S. District Judge William Jung granted summary judgment to Liberty Counsel in its lawsuit against Tampa's ordinance prohibiting "licensed counselors from providing voluntary talk therapy to minors seeking help to reduce or eliminate their unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or identity."... (more)

October 4, 2019
Have new concerns after emerging from meeting with intel community IG
WORLDNETDAILY ? Fresh from hearing the closed-door testimony of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson on Friday, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are calling on committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., to recuse himself from the impeachment inquiry of President Trump.... (more)

October 4, 2019
YOUTUBE ? A woman from the pro-Trump group LaRouche PAC gets up at an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez town hall in Queens on October 3, 2019 to rant about eating babies.... (more)

October 4, 2019
YOUTUBE ? Democratic presidential candidates Beto O'Rourke (Alex Moffat), Andrew Yang (Bowen Yang), Pete Buttigieg (Colin Jost), Cory Booker (Chris Redd), Elizabeth Warren (Kate McKinnon), Marianne Williamson (Chloe Fineman), Bernie Sanders (Larry David), Joe Biden (Woody Harrelson), Kamala Harris (Maya Rudolph) speak at CNN's Impeachment Town Hall.... (more)

October 4, 2019
FOX BUSINESS ? White House chief economic adviser Larry Kudlow says no one is better equipped than President Trump to stand up to China. "Regarding manufacturing and particularly manufacturing exports, I know everybody wants to go after President Trump, who is doing, in my judgement, he is doing the Lord's work to defend the United States economy and its national security by showing how China must change its ways," Kudlow told FOX Business' "Varney & Co." on Friday.... (more)

October 4, 2019
FOX NEWS BUSINESS ? President Trump on Friday declared the U.S. economy a "miracle." "So the unemployment numbers just came out, and they're the best numbers we've had in over 50 years," Trump told reporters before boarding Marine One. "The unemployment number is down to 3.5 percent, so that goes way, way back. We haven't had numbers like this in a long time."... (more)

October 4, 2019
DAVID FRENCH ? I remember June 29, 1992, all too well. That was the day the Supreme Court issued its decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. In that case, a court composed of a majority of Republican appointees not only reaffirmed the central holding of Roe v. Wade, it articulated a version of "liberty" that rendered the definition of personhood nearly entirely individualized and subjective -- science be damned. The plurality opinion declared, "At the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life."... (more)

October 4, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID ? Anti-communist freedom fighter Vladimir Bukovsky suggests there is a simple reason why the West has never held Nuremberg-style court trials for the communists -- Western leaders were complicit in communist crimes and they don't want to be held accountable.... (more)

October 4, 2019
Dems concealed origins of complaint: violation of House Intel Committee rules
NEWSMAX ? Two top experts on whistleblower procedures and the House Intelligence Committee told Newsmax in separate, exclusive interviews Wednesday that the credibility of a complaint against President Trump has been seriously undermined by irregularities in how the matter was handled.... (more)

October 3, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., on Wednesday became the highest profile Republican to sign a resolution to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff for reading a "parody" of President Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a hearing last week.... (more)

October 3, 2019
Authorizes president to seek 'mutual assistance'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Democrats are running at open throttle to impeach President Trump for his telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.... (more)

October 1, 2019
Democrats putting on 'show' because they have no case
WORLDNETDAILY ? What House Democrats describe as an "impeachment inquiry" is noting of the sort, and no "subpoenas" have been issued, contends former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew C. McCarthy.... (more)

October 1, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? Never one to mince words, Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs called out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Monday night for acting like "an enemy of the state." His suggestion? "Go to hell."... (more)

October 1, 2019
WESTERN JOURNAL ? Historian and political commentator Victor Davis Hanson believes the Democrats will get a short sugar rush from their latest efforts to impeach Donald Trump, but in a matter of weeks it will turn in the president's favor and lead to a big win in 2020.... (more)

October 1, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh notes Democrats believe that the impeachment against President Trump is obvious, solid and there for the taking. So, he wondered on his nationally syndicated show Monday why it seems that just about everything in the media about impeachment is a "lie."... (more)

September 30, 2019
YOUTUBE ? Climate change is an urgent topic of discussion among politicians, journalists and celebrities...but what do scientists say about climate change? Does the data validate those who say humans are causing the earth to catastrophically warm? Richard Lindzen, an MIT atmospheric physicist and one of the world's leading climatologists, summarizes the science behind climate change.... (more)

September 30, 2019
FOX NEWS ? White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller said on Sunday President Trump is the real "whistleblower" and slammed the whistleblower complaint that spurred the impeachment inquiry into Trump as a "Nancy Drew novel" and a "partisan hit job."... (more)

September 30, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Attacking the credibility of President Donald Trump's Ukraine call whistleblower, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, rejected the Democrats' latest litmus test for an impeachment inquiry as flimsy. "Two things you look at to determine the credibility of a so-called whistleblower: First, did they have firsthand knowledge? And second, what was their motivation? Was there some kind of bias?" Jordan told CNN's "The State of the Union."... (more)

September 30, 2019
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump says he deserves to meet his accuser and again alluded to punishment for the "spy" who gave the whistleblower information. "Like every American, I deserve to meet my accuser, especially when this accuser, the so-called 'Whistleblower,' represented a perfect conversation with a foreign leader in a totally inaccurate and fraudulent way."... (more)

September 30, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's sudden lurch toward impeachment has been derided by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as the California Democrat caving in to leftists in the Democratic caucus. "I think we now go to a very long and unproductive road," said Cuomo, one of the top names in the Democratic Party, at a panel discussion Thursday at New Jersey's Seton Hall Law School that was designed to focus upon political civility.... (more)

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