Show Up. Get Answers. Share Your Story. There is still time to register for today's Town Hall for people experiencing homelessness! Sign up to join the Zoom meeting at 3pm EST, Thursday, May 20th. Join us to explore the new HUD Administration's outlook on ending homelessness. Richard Cho, Senior Advisor to Secretary Fudge for Housing and Services, will be sharing insights on how new funding from the American Rescue Plan will help house folks and support communities in ensuring an equitable economic recovery.
Our monthly Town Halls are also meant to be an opportunity for people who have been homeless to share about what is actually going on locally. How are you treated by your community? What resources do you, or your community, need? What is missing from your city/county/state's response, and what more do you think the Federal government can do? Is there anything that is working well, or resources we can help promote? What do you want legislators to know about homelessness? What more can NCH do to provide advocacy resources to assist in your local movements?
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