Also: Harper talks SIF management, third-party vendor authority, more; NAFCU, trades oppose bills to remove arbitration

The News You Need Daily

May 20, 2021

NAFCU engaged as NCUA Board meets, FASB hosts CECL roundtable
Today, the NCUA Board is set to issue a final rule on derivatives and will receive its quarterly briefing on the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). Also on the agenda, the board will issue a request for comment regarding the NCUSIF's normal operating level (NOL) policy. In addition, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) today is hosting a roundtable on the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard. 

Harper argues for third-party vendor authority, NCUSIF changes
NCUA Chairman Todd Harper testified before the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday, providing lawmakers with an update on the state of the credit union industry and the agency's priorities. Ahead of the hearing, NAFCU shared its concerns about proposals looking to provide the NCUA with supervisory authority over third-party vendors and change how the agency manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF).

NAFCU, trades advise against removing arbitration protections
NAFCU joined with several other trade associations spanning various industries this week to urge lawmakers to oppose legislation that could hurt consumers, small businesses, and employees by removing arbitration provisions in private contracts.

Congratulations to the 2021 Innovation Award Finalists
The Innovation Awards honor the transformational & valuable contributions to the credit union industry.

View Finalists

FOMC minutes reveal inflation discussion
Minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee's (FOMC) April videoconference meeting indicated that amid progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of economic activity and employment have strengthened. The sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic remained weak but had shown improvement. Inflation has risen, but largely reflecting transitory factors.

Deadline extended to Friday, May 21!
There's still time to enter NAFCU's Annual Awards

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Order the NAFCU Credit Union Director Handbook
Spring Cleaning Checklist: Don't Forget Digital Fraud Prevention
Complimentary Webinar
NCUA - Central Liquidity Facility
Comments Due to NAFCU
NCUA - Compliance with BSA/AML and OFAC Requirements
Comments Due to NAFCU
NCUA - Temporary Regulatory Relief in Response to COVID-19 - Prompt Corrective Action
Comments Due to NAFCU
[Demo] Growing Member Relationships With a Unified Digital Lending Platform
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