In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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The Integrated Schools Movement, which argues for educating children from different religious backgrounds together in NI, has been nominated for the Nobel
peace prize.
Social media firms are failing to crackdown on Islamist extremists because of fears of being accused of breaching their human rights, an 18-month
investigation into extremism has found.
Scotland Yard is investigating the intimidation and harassment of Stella Creasy following the "extremist" targeting of the Labour MP by anti-abortion
protesters over the past week.
The Law and Justice party, which is closely aligned with the Catholic Church on social issues, is seeking to win a second term in Poland. If it does there
seems little chance that homosexual couples will enjoy the same rights as their heterosexual neighbours any time soon.
The US Supreme Court will hear its first abortion case since Donald Trump installed two justices who are both expected to vote in an anti-abortion way.
The US Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in two of the term's most closely watched cases over whether federal civil rights law protects LGBT people from
job discrimination.
Islamist extremists exploited tensions over equality teaching in Birmingham schools to amplify hate against LGBT+ people, a hard hitting report claims.
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