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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 8 October


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Secularism in the media


Nobel peace prize nomination for schools breaking Northern Ireland’s barriers

The Integrated Schools Movement, which argues for educating children from different religious backgrounds together in NI, has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize.

The Guardian


Social media firms let off Islamist extremists for fear of being accused of human rights breaches, report finds

Social media firms are failing to crackdown on Islamist extremists because of fears of being accused of breaching their human rights, an 18-month investigation into extremism has found.

The Telegraph


NI abortion: Guidelines issued as October deadline looms

The government has published guidance for healthcare professionals on abortion law in Northern Ireland.



‘The doctors in Northern Ireland knew my baby would die. But I was refused an abortion’

One grieving woman tells of the suffering the current ban on abortion caused her.

The Observer


More Northern Ireland teachers working across religious divide than ever before, says report

More permanent and temporary teachers in Northern Ireland are working across the religious divide than ever before, according to a new study.

Belfast Telegraph


Nursery forced to return government counter-extremism funding following backlash

A nursery was forced to hand back government funding for tackling radicalisation following a backlash from local Muslim groups, a report has revealed.

The Telegraph


‘Thought for the Day is now a recital of religious platitudes’

Indarjit Singh explains his decision to stop contributing to BBC Radio 4's Thought for the Day slot.

The Mail on Sunday


Police investigate targeting of Stella Creasy by anti-abortion group

Scotland Yard is investigating the intimidation and harassment of Stella Creasy following the "extremist" targeting of the Labour MP by anti-abortion protesters over the past week.

The Observer


Polish election: Leader targets gay rights as threat to society

The Law and Justice party, which is closely aligned with the Catholic Church on social issues, is seeking to win a second term in Poland. If it does there seems little chance that homosexual couples will enjoy the same rights as their heterosexual neighbours any time soon.



First abortion case for Trump's Supreme Court to be heard next year

The US Supreme Court will hear its first abortion case since Donald Trump installed two justices who are both expected to vote in an anti-abortion way.

The Independent


US Supreme Court takes up cases over LGBT rights

The US Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in two of the term's most closely watched cases over whether federal civil rights law protects LGBT people from job discrimination.

The Washington Post


Islamist extremists exploited tensions over LGBT-inclusive teaching to fuel hate, says report

Islamist extremists exploited tensions over equality teaching in Birmingham schools to amplify hate against LGBT+ people, a hard hitting report claims.

Birmingham Live


Latest from the NSS


Champion open debate to tackle extremism, says commission

Protecting and encouraging democratic debate is "vital" in efforts to tackle extremism, the counter-extremism commissioner has said.


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