Santa Clara County Public Health Officer
segregate and discriminate against the unvaccinated
with new order requiring employees to share vaccine status
Yesterday, the Santa Clara County Public Health Officer ordered that all employers in Santa Clara County continue to report COVID-19 cases, but added that all employers are required to ascertain the vaccination status of all employees. (https://covid19.sccgov.org/order-health-officer-05-18-2021-focused-safety-measures). Not doing so is considered a misdemeanor. This order is permissable under AB262, passed in 2019, which allows local health officers to take any action they deem necessary during an epidemic.
The form (https://covid19.sccgov.org/sites/g/files/exjcpb766/files/Documents/Self-Certification-Vaccination-Status-Form.pdf), that all employees in Santa Clara will be asked to complete in the next 14 days, includes an option to decline giving your vaccination status to your employer. This allows employees medical privacy. However, if an employee chooses this option they will be considered “unvaccinated”. There is no option to select if an employee has had COVID naturally and therefore has immunity. Those considered “unvaccinated” are required to follow stricter guidelines than those who are vaccinated, creating segregation and discrimination.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy send a letter to the Santa Clara Public Health Officer Cody earlier today, requesting that she immediately update her order to comply with the Federal and CA Unruh Civil Rights Acts, removing the statements requiring vaccinated and unvaccinated persons to be treated differently. You can read the letter here: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/AVFCA-Letter-of-Opposition-Vaccinated-Unvaccinated-Segregation-SCC.pdf
A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s two key issues with the Santa Clara Public Health Order are:
- It discriminates and segregates those who are “unvaccinated” due to medical or religious reasons, or just desire medical privacy.
- It does not take into consideration previous COVID infection and places those immune in the same risk category as the unvaccinated rather than their vaccinated counterparts.
Note: This order does not violate HIPAA. HIPAA is a privacy protection act that prevents your doctor from sharing your medical records without your expressed consent. It only pertains to documents between you and your doctor.
While currently, this is only in effect for Santa Clara, other counties are considering vaccine passports and other similar requirements. It is up to you to stand up and take action to stop these in your counties.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy created Stand Up California (www.StandUpCalifornia.com), to connects activists on a county level to work together to ensure the restoration of our rights, as outlined in the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. Bill of Rights and the California Constitution, and the prevention of mandates for government assistance, education or to participate in society.
- If you have not already joined your county group, please do so today (www.StandUpCalifornia.com/unite).
- Show up at your County Board of Supervisor meetings, which are usually every other week, and give public comment. They are who the County Public Health Officer reports to.
- Show up at your local School District Board of Trustee Meetings, which are usually 1-2 times a month, and give public comment . They are who the Superintendents report to and who both public and private schools look to for guidance on public health protocols.
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen.
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
