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Just News

for May 19, 2021

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Just Economy Conference

Thanks to the 2,000+ (!!) people who registered for The Just Economy Conference, which wrapped up last week. If you were one of them, most of the sessions can still be viewed through our online platform until Sunday, May 30!


OCC To Reconsider Disastrous 2020 CRA Rule Changes
The 2020 OCC rule, if implemented fully, would have disastrous outcomes for LMI communities. This announcement is a step in the right direction, but much more needs to be done. [Read more]

OCC Hits Pause On Disastrous 2020 CRA Rule Changes, Lawsuit Still Pending
Last year, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and the California Reinvestment Coalition, represented by Democracy Forward and Farella Braun + Martel, filed a lawsuit seeking to block the implementation of the OCC rule. [Read more]


The American Dream Series Arrives In Parma Heights
Cleveland Custom Homes, in partnership with The NCRC Housing Rehab Fund, closed on twelve lots dedicated to new construction in Parma Heights, Ohio. [Read more]

NCRC Applauds The Confirmation Of Don Graves As Deputy Secretary Of The Department Of Commerce
I would like to congratulate Deputy Secretary Graves on his confirmation to this critical post. We need a leader like him to work with Secretary Raimondo on key economic development issues critical to an equitable recovery. [Read more]

Treasury Announces Michael J. Hsu As New Acting Comptroller Of The OCC
We look forward to working with new Acting Comptroller Hsu. The OCC has a great deal of work ahead. It has taken a number of missteps in the past few years that should be reversed, and that work must get underway as soon as possible. [Read more]


COVID-19 Showed The Need For Paid Leave & Wage Increases For Working Women Of Color
By Jamie Buell and Sally Sim
Women of color are, unfortunately, at the center of economic inequality and most in need of paid leave and wage increases. [Read more]

COVID-19’S Toll On Mental Health
By Christina Miller
How is your stress level? Are you feeling anxious? If you answered pretty high or yes, you are not alone. The pandemic’s impact on mental health is significant and well-documented. [Read more]

Like Paid Leave, Care Infrastructure Isn’t Optional. It’s An Essential Element Of A Just Economy.
By Vicki Shabo
As the United States builds back from COVID-19, policymakers must invest in policies the country’s workers needed long ago to help support parents, family caregivers and all working people – especially women, women of color, and people who work in lower-wage jobs that do not offer benefits. [Read more]

Field Notes

Viruses Know No Borders. Vaccines Shouldn’t Either.
By Monica Grover
As an Indian American, my family has experienced the worst of this pandemic in two countries. For any of us to be safe, we all need vaccine equity. [Read more]

How To Take Charge Of Your Finances
By Cindy Hounsell
April is Financial Literacy Month. You might be thinking, who cares? Well, how about using it to take a first financial step to learn something new. [Read more]


The COVID Pandemic And Its Impacts On Culturally-Significant Businesses
By Sabiyha Prince, Ph.D., Jad Edlebi, Bruce C. Mitchell, Ph.D., and Jason Richardson
In the American public sphere today, there is a lot of talk about culture and its significance in our everyday lives. In U.S. urban centers, the loss of traits that make communities unique and meaningful, particularly to long-term residents, is often due to the impacts of gentrification, redlining, environmental injustices, and the lack of sustained, community-based investment. [Read More]

Racial Wealth Snapshot: Women, Men And The Racial Wealth Divide
By Dedrick Asante-Muhammad and Sally Sim
Women have made great strides in the workplace, comprising nearly half of the workforce, and surpassing men in higher education achievement. Yet, women still make less income, have less wealth and face greater economic instability than their male counterparts. [Read More]


Forum & Hub
NCRC members: Don't forget you have access to our forum and member hubLearn more about membership here. You can join as an organization or an individual.

2021 Fair Lending Tool
Use our interactive tool to produce a report on mortgages, small business lending and bank branch networks for any city, county or metro area in the nation. [Access the tool here]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]

In the News

What Does Journalism for a Just Economy Look Like?
By Steve Dubb, Non Profit Quarterly 
Earlier this month, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition held its 30th annual conference. But in a session titled “The Stories We Tell: Journalism for a Just Economy,” the organization broke new ground, initiating a new conversation for the group regarding the intersection of journalism and economic justice. [Read More]

NCRC Membership, Policy and Equity Chief, Climate Change Tech Executive Join the Board of Directors
By Better Markets
Better Markets is pleased to announce that Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Chief of Membership, Policy and Equity at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and Donnel Baird, Co-Founder and CEO of BlocPower, have joined the Board of Directors. [Read More]

Will New Administration Rewrite the Rules on Banking Mergers
By Steve Cocheo, The Financial Brand
Regarding the influence of fintech on the supply of services, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition wrote, “…the digital financial providers may not have much of an impact in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods since customers unfamiliar with banking are less likely to engage in significant digital banking transactions.” [Read More]

Local governments deposit millions of tax dollars in banks. Some say it's time they demanded racial equity in return.
By David Schechter, Jason Trahan and Chance Horner, WFAA
A responsible banking ordinance requires a local government to evaluate how well a bank serves all its citizens, from high- to low-income, before choosing to do business with the bank. The concept was developed in part by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Read More]

On Our Radar

For Black workers, age discrimination strikes twice
By Andrew Van Dam, The Washington Post
Once when they’re entering the workforce, and once when they’re nearing retirement. [Read More]

JPMorgan, Others Plan to Issue Credit Cards to People With No Credit Scores
By Peter Rudegeair and AnnaMaria Andriotis, The Wall Street Journal
Regulator had asked banks to brainstorm on how to make loans to people who have often been locked out from getting them. [Read More]

Black homeowner had a white friend stand in for third appraisal: Her home value doubled
By Alexandria Burris, Indianapolis Star
Across the nation, homes owned by Black Americans are significantly undervalued next to homes in comparable white neighborhoods, according to a study by Brookings. [Read More]
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