After tonight, people are going to be looking to Jagmeet and the NDP //


Elections matter – and after watching tonight’s debate, we’ve never been more certain that it’s time for something different.

Jagmeet stood up to empty promises, fought back against cuts that hurt the most vulnerable Canadians, and spoke out against the kind of divisive politics that don’t belong in Canada.

People across the country watched the debate tonight hoping to see themselves reflected in the words our political leaders spoke – and it was only Jagmeet who showed them that everyday people can actually be at the centre of the choices we make. Something very special is happening right now – and we know that after tonight, Canadians are looking to Jagmeet and our NDP team to fight for them. Can you chip in $3 right now to help us make the most of this moment?

Chip in!

Now more than ever, we need a government that works for all of us – and a leader that won’t just say the right things but will do them.

Jagmeet is that leader – and tonight’s debate proved that. Be a part of this movement – chip in $3 right now and help us make history.



Your NDP Team


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
