My name is Khary Penebaker, and I'm here to talk about my friend Cory Booker.
Please read this note from my friend Khary Penebaker, then consider chipping in to help us hit our $3 million October fundraising goal. - Cory

Nice to meet you, friend.

My name is Khary Penebaker, and I'm here to talk about my friend Cory Booker. I'm a father, husband, former candidate for congress, and advocate for common-sense gun laws after seeing the devastation of gun violence firsthand.

The first time I met him, Cory campaigned for me in Wisconsin as I ran for Congress in 2016. Within seconds of him leading our canvass kick-off, it was clear he has the passion, drive, and strength that one hopes to find in a leader.

Cory spoke about the need to come together under a collective voice against the hate that Donald Trump had brought to the forefront of his campaign. Cory explained that Washington can only work when we have leaders ready to put the people they serve first, and how down-ballot races were just as important as those at the top.

We need a leader like Cory in the White House. Will you chip in to help his campaign have the resources it needs to win?

When he's in the White House, we know that Cory will fight for those who are too often forgotten -- because that's what he's been doing his entire career. He'll be a president for the people and here's why I know that.

This past April, Cory was back in Milwaukee for a gun violence prevention forum. I told the story about my mother and her struggle with depression that ultimately led her to take her own life. I spoke to the lifetime of memories clouded with pain rather than a lifetime of memories of us together.

Cory heard the hurt in my voice as I began to get choked up and told me that I'm one of the bravest people that he knows but if I was really courageous, I would shave my head because I was thinning on top. I chuckled.

And he said it at the moment I needed to hear it. But that night I definitely shaved my head -- I took it as a challenge. It's that kind of humanity that he's got. To me, he's not a politician. Cory is just a regular guy who happens to be brilliant. A good human being.

It's why I'm writing to you today. We need Cory as our president because he truly cares about the people he hopes to lead. He's a proven advocate for gun safety and leader on mental health issues -- and that's what we deserve in Washington. He understands the issues that affect Americans like you and me, and we'll be better off with Cory in the Oval Office -- creating a fairer, more just America for all.

This is a call to action. Cory's campaign needs to raise $3 million this month to fully fund their October growth budget and move up in the race. We know Cory is an underdog, but this campaign will not be outworked. Answer our call to action by donating here:

Thank you,

Khary Penebaker
Gun Violence Survivor
DNC Black Caucus Treasurer


PS: Here's Cory and me, pre-haircut, canvassing back in 2016.

Cory and Khary in 2016

And here's Cory and me, post-haircut, in Milwaukee a few months ago.

Cory and Khary in 2019

Paid for by Cory 2020

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