
I have bad news: the Department of the Interior extended William Pendley’s appointment to lead the Bureau of Land Management.

This is somebody who built a career calling for our public lands to be sold to the highest bidder.

Now the Trump Administration is doubling down on keeping him in charge of the organization that’s supposed to protect our public lands. The fox is guarding the hen house.

I need you with me, team. Will you add your name next to mine if you believe public lands should be kept in public hands?


The Trump Administration is chock full of oil and gas lobbyists who care more about boosting corporate profits than protecting our environment.

It’s our duty to protect our public lands and preserve them for future generations.

I’m proud of the work we’ve done in Montana to fight digging and drilling in areas that should be preserved forever, and I won’t back down now.

I’ve stood up time and again to protect our public lands, and I won’t back down now. Will you add your name next to mine to protect our public lands?


Thanks for supporting our public lands,

— Jon