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Executive editor David Dayen was recently awarded the 2021 Hillman Prize for Magazine Journalism for his newsletter series Unsanitized, his daily report on politics, power and the pandemic. Starting on March 12 last year, David chronicled the worst public health crisis in decades, writing daily in real time, all the way through Inauguration Day 2021.

In awarding David, the Sidney Hillman Foundation said this, "Unsanitized explained the impact of the pandemic on our daily lives, from public health, economic, and social standpoints. Critical public policies, from climate and immigration to financial regulation and culture, not to mention one of the most important presidential elections in recent memory, were all wrapped up in it."

This is what the Prospect does: We tell you why the news matters, who is behind it, and what's at stake. Our value lies in explaining the power dynamics at work behind the story, and how that power might be shifted to the public's benefit.

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