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                   QUOTE OF THE WEEK

"From sentencing to second chances, women who desire to make amends, better themselves, and become productive citizens face government-imposed barriers to achieving opportunity."

– Patrice Onwuka's Testimony at the House Judiciary Subcommittee on
Women and Girls in the Criminal Justice System


Checking Progressive Privilege by Carrie Lukas

The Book

Today, the progressive worldview is depicted by our cultural institutions as what is normal, right, and worth celebrating. Conservatives are marginalized and stereotyped in entertainment, news, academia, and our culture. Progressive Privilege isn’t just unfair to conservatives; it's unfair to all Americans, as it causes greater division. Pre-order IWF President Carrie Lukas’s book, Checking Progressive Privilege, now.


Can you spot the lie about the federal judiciary below?

A: The role of a federal judge is to interpret and apply the law as written, not to create new social and political rights.
B: “Originalism” is an interpretive method that helps judges put aside their personal policy preferences when applying the law.
C: Any time a court strikes down a democratically enacted law, it is engaging in inappropriate “judicial activism.”


The So-Called ‘Wage Gap’ Doesn’t Apply to the Women’s Soccer Team

The Story
The U.S. Women’s Team is far more successful on the field than the U.S. Men’s Team. The Women's Team just won their fourth World Cup title, while the Men's Team has never won. But the women are not paid as much as the men. However, just like the so-called wage gap between men and women in the broader economy, it’s not the offense that it’s made out to be. There’s a lot more to the difference in pay than the top-line facts and figures. 

In Short
Although female athletes might be frustrated at the slow pace of change, it’s ultimately most beneficial to women that we recognize the important differences between men’s and women’s sports. Men’s natural physical advantages may often help them attract a bigger fan base, but they also make it necessary to maintain sex-separated sports leagues in order for women to have fair opportunities to compete. 



Democratic Presidential Candidates Are Seeking to ‘Pack’ the Supreme Court

The Story
Many Democrats seek to limit Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s impact (and that of President Trump’s other Supreme Court appointment, Justice Neil Gorsuch) by adding additional seats to the nine member court and filling them with progressive judicial activists. At least 10 of the 22 Democratic presidential candidates favor some form of court-packing.

In Short 
The role of a judge is limited to interpreting the law as written and ensuring that laws passed by the political branches comply with the United States Constitution. As Chief Justice John Roberts famously noted, the role of a judge is like that of a neutral umpire whose job is to call balls and strikes, not pitch or bat. Theoretically, this should be true irrespective of whether a judge was appointed by a Democratic or Republican president.
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