From ✏ Please Sign Your Name <[email protected]>
Subject Ruth Bader Ginsburg MONUMENT ?!
Date May 19, 2021 3:04 PM
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20,000 DC SIGNATURES NEEDED BEFORE 12am: Sign our petition NOW to build a monument to Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Capitol Hill >>

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a trailblazing ICON.
She fought TIRELESSLY for Progressive causes like women's rights, expanding healthcare access, and so much MORE.
But the G.O.P. has COMPLETELY trampled over Justice Ginsburg's legacy. Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans RUSHED to fill her seat with an arch‑conservative just weeks before the election.
It was completely disrespectful and against her last wishes!
She deserves to have her legacy HONORED!!
SO to RESTORE the Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the Capitol, we're asking 20,000 D.C. Progressives to sign their name to build a monument to her before 9 AM tomorrow:
Give Ruth Bader Ginsburg the rightful REVERENCE she deserves!

Team MFA

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