Proponents of Critical Race Theory like to use racial disparities to justify their radical agenda. The table below involves income disparity. They never give you the complete picture that there is a direct correlation between intact families and household income. There is one thing progressives disdain more than a gas guzzling Chevy Suburban -- and it is the traditional nuclear family.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a façade to reshape our communities and the very foundation of America.
All of us, regardless of political party MUST know how to shoot down their talking points and respond with better ideas that result in preserving families, communities, and the principles of our country.
On Thursday, May 27th, at 6:00 PM we will be hosting another Anti-Critical Race Theory training session. Our last one was a major success, but to keep out disruptors the event will be private.
Please REPLY TO THIS EMAIL to request a Zoom link to the training session and we will make sure you’re invited.
I look forward to speaking with you then!
God Bless,
- Kendall

Kendall Qualls
President - TakeCharge MN