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Border Crisis Taking on Global Scale with Pandemic Surge.

In her New York Times article "From India, Brazil and Beyond: Pandemic Refugees at the Border," Miriam Jordan writes that the surge at the border is not just Mexican and Central American but illegal border crossers from all over the world that are responding to current border policies and a message that jobs are available for them when they arrive:

"According to official data released this week, 30 percent of all families encountered along the border in April hailed from countries other than Mexico and the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, compared to just 7.5 percent in April 2019, during the last border surge.

..."What we're hearing back home is that the new president is facilitating entry, and there is demand for labor," said Rodrigo Neto, who came from Brazil, where the pandemic killed his business and left him overwhelmed by debt. "I couldn't pass up this opportunity."

...[Two Indian families] had flown through five countries to reach Mexico City, where they had boarded a bus to the U.S.-Mexico border. A cabdriver connected to coyotes had deposited them on a road from which they walked to a gap in the wall.

...A few minutes later, a little girl with a Mickey Mouse sweater dangling from her waist came through with three adults, headed for Boston, where friends and jobs awaited."

Byron York of The Washington Examiner responded to The New York Times' reporting with an unusually scathing analysis:

"Crossing the Border in record numbers: 178,622 known cases in April, on top of 172,331 in March. Look for there to be even more in May.

...Biden is not only tolerating but encouraging [crossings] at the border. It is, in a word, insane. The United States, which like other countries has developed elaborate procedures to control who is able to enter and leave the country at its airports and other ports, has thrown the whole system away at the border. Starting with the presidential campaign and continuing through his time in the White House, Joe Biden has sent the message that virtually anyone can enter the U.S. and be allowed to stay. The crisis at the border is the result."

Additional Facts: President Biden's proposed bill would massively increase immigration flows, including new illegal immigration not captured in that chart. Check out the latest border crossing data.

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