Book tickets for Wednesday 25 May
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Hi friend,
Demanding debt justice for global recovery after covid
In a few weeks’ time world leaders will be meeting face to face in Cornwall to discuss what to do about the crisis.
Join us at this one-off webinar on Wednesday 25th May at 6.30pm to hear directly from allies in the global South about why debt cancellation is so crucial at this time.
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Currently, the amount that African governments owe to companies like BlackRock, HSBC and JP Morgan could vaccinate the entire population three times over. We must listen to those who are affected, and make sure their voices are heard.
Join us to hear why the cancellation of payments is not just about debt justice but can also help in struggles for racial justice and climate justice.
We’ll hear how debt has impacted communities in the past and present day, as well as from campaigners in the UK who will share how to build the pressure to cancel the debt.
* Gyekye Tanoh, Head of the Political Economy Unit at Third World Network-Africa and based in Kenya.
* Njoki Njehu, Director of Solidarity Africa Network in Action and the Daughters of Mumbi Resource Centre in Kenya
* Tess Wolfenden, Senior Policy Officer, Jubilee Debt Campaign
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This summer, big banks are planning their AGMs, publishing their pandemic profits, and rich G7 governments are set to discuss debt at meetings in the UK in June, so this is an important time to build our movement and get the word out.
It’s time to take action for debt justice.
Eva, Tess, Jerome and all the JDC Team
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