Catholic Relief Services
Sara A. Fajardo/CRS
Praying for others changes us.
There’s a reason we ask you to pray for people overseas.
When we pray for others, it changes us. We learn to care more about the world. Prayer is a vital way we help the poor overseas. It guides our actions. It binds us in solidarity to one another and connects us more deeply with the grace that flows from God. Think for a moment of those affected by the latest emergencies. Please pray for them.
In case you missed it or would like to share it with a friend, please enjoy this free downloadable book. It includes 12 inspirational quotes from Pope Francis, as well as stories of people whose lives have been changed through the prayer and generosity of people like you.
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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
—Matthew 18:20
Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. We strive to alleviate suffering by assisting people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality.
Catholic Relief Services
228 W Lexington St
Baltimore, MD 21202
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Photo: Sara A. Fajardo/CRS