New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc.

Dear Friend,

It’s been another fantastic couple of weeks for the Taxpayers’ Union, with another victory today regarding the news that the Government is to stop using taxpayer money to fund the controversial Clinton Foundation, despite previously agreeing to continue.

The other recent highlight was Thursday’s “Jonesie Awards”, which skewered our most wasteful politicians literally within the Parliament buildings.

If you haven’t seen Seven Sharp’s coverage, you ought to. Politicians who squander our hard-earned taxes dread this kind of prime time attention.

This type of coverage will be crucial in the coming year as New Zealanders turn their thoughts to the general election. 

But in order for us to force politicians’ focus onto the issues of tax and waste in 2020, we need your support to keep up the effort.

Friend, are lower taxes, less waste, and more transparency worth the price of a weekly coffee?

The work of the Taxpayers' Union relies on your financial support. That’s why I'm asking you to consider setting up a monthly donation – even just $20 a month – that’s just a cup of coffee a week.

To set-up a monthly donation so the Taxpayers’ Union can fight on your behalf click here.

Your support allows us to spend less time fundraising, and more time fighting for taxpayers like you.

Yes, I'll make a monthly donation

No, but I'll make a one-off donation

Thank you for being part of the fight and allowing the Taxpayers’ Union to be a strong voice for taxpayers.



David Farrar
New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union

PS. With so many expecting the economy to head south, there is a huge risk Labour and the Greens turn on the taps for low-quality spending like the Provincial vote Growth Fund.  More spending inevitably means a higher tax burden for you and your family. That means a strong Taxpayers’ Union will be more important than ever. Click here to ensure a strong voice for taxpayers with a monthly donation.